Bess hangs on for dear life!


So Bess - what does it feel like to ride on the spare beneath the truck for 70 miles????

Hair raising?

Cat takes 70-mile trip under owner's truck
Owner hears cat in distress after driving 2 1/2-hours for a business meeting
The Associated Press
updated 8:01 a.m. CT, Wed., Sept. 3, 2008
GILBERT, Ariz. - A cat survived a 2 1/2-hour trip on a spare tire under her owner's truck.

Gil Smith recently drove from his Gilbert home 70 miles away for a business meeting in Kearny. When he got out of the truck, he heard a cat in distress and realized it was his.

Smith said the cat, Bella, was hysterical, shaky and tired, but was smart enough to know not to jump off the tire as the truck was moving.

Smith and his wife have adopted three indoor cats, three goats and three chickens. But Smith said Bella, an outdoor cat the couple adopted years ago, has a special place in his wife's heart.

Smith said he canceled his meeting with a state Department of Economic Security official who had driven 50 miles to get to Kearny so he could get Bella home.

It was either that, or, he jokes, get a divorce.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Not super slow, just lots of two-lane, no passing on that drive. Ive done it a few times myself, Kearney has some good mule deer if you know where to look.

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