benevolent loving muslims


Long Time Member
View the pictures below and decide how you really feel about the future of the Western World.

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."










Why would anyone think that we should be at war with such nice, peaceful Moslems?!

Americans need to know - You need to forward this one to everyone in your address book! These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers (as they might help Bush's war on terror), but were forwarded to me by a Canadian Friend who thought Americans ought to know!
We're not at war with Muslims, we're fighting with some Muslims in Iraq and occupying the country because we attacked them illegally .

We are at war with al Qaida and other terrorist organizations who have done or would do us harm. while they are Muslims but I'm not sure they represent all Muslims, so to say we're at war with Muslims is a pretty broad statement. getting off track and not identifying your enemy is why bin Laden and al Qaida are alive and well and Iraq is a disaster.

We do have a major problem with some wacko's that are muslims that's a fact. if we use the logic all Muslims are evil then all conservatives must be airport stall toe tapping fags, why not their leaders are? it seems they keep coming out of the closet ( or out of the stall I should say ) but we all know this doesn't represent the majority of republicans. same might be true of the Muslims.







Calm down. The photos and script were sent to me by a friend. Those are his words, I do however agree with most of what he says. Not sure why it is that you come back to Republicans or the Administration so often. Radical Islam should be all Americans enemy not just half of us. These people are not our friends, they can't be bargained with nor reasoned with.
Will you hate me if I say we need another Charles Martel?

I hereby start the bobcat for president org. Please donate at your place of work for his campaign and more bombs. Or maybe more bombs and his campaign, whichever. Could bobcat be the next Charles Martel?

I'm not upset, this hate muslims rhetoric is nothing new.

Many muslims do hate us, our support of Israel and the war in Iraq are the primary reasons. I'm by no means a supporter of Muslims or any other religious zelots but to say all muslims are evil and we're at war with them makes us no better than them. all we know for sure is the tactics and policies we're using today are a total failure on all fronts, militarily and politically. we need and will have new leadership and direction in this matter soon, will they have any better luck? let's hope so.

Another matter is the cure as some of you see it is genocide, that's not a realistic option. for every innocent ( or guilty ) muslim you kill with never ending wars you make suicidal enimies of the whole family, so genocide is what you're advocating. the first step to putting the screws to this thing is to get back on good terms around the world and get cooperation from everyone. Russia and China are getting more powerful by the day and if they decide we're off base and support countries like Iran our hands are tied. we must make this a world effort to stop terrorism, attacking a few two bit dictators and getting bogged down occupying those countries for years isn't going to do the job .

Go ahead and call me a peacnik, I think I'm more of a realist. that's better than an idiot who thinks we can fight our way to victory in this type of mess. this ain't your daddy's war, and even if it were we didn't do it alone.
SO dude???










Just say the word Bobcat! You know I'm in the seat next to you!

A lot of innocent people will die in this war. Are they going to be Christian peace loving, freedom loving, democratic people or Satan worshiping, God hating, evil, freedom hating POS?

Bobcat and I are trying!

I have, in my possession, a genuine German WWII belt buckle that every German Army soldier wore. My dad took it from a dead soldier.

It says on it "Gott Mit Uns"

If you don't know what it means, look it up. Then wake up!


Not exactly the way to win him over. Might be a day soon when we need all the fire power we can muster.
By the way did you see how some of the muslims finest hid their faces in the photos? Real brave fellows, must not have been any bound and tied men around to cut their heads off.

Ransom AKA muslim hater
Raghead camel jockies, I say phuq em and feed em beans....nAW NAW , BEANS IS TOO GOOD , JUST phuq em.....
I know I'm not the best example of a man of God , BUT I do believe in God , I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.Now everybody has their own beliefs ,not gonna pisss in that fire but I do know Islam is a religion that DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD.They believe in Ala or somme other crazy shitt head of the sort , but not God. So because I believe there is one God the Father and not some fat buddha raghead ,that means I am against islam , so in all retrospect those signs are intended towards me, to kill me...SO I SAY TO HELL WITH THE SORRY PUKES...THE ONE SIGN SAID "TO HELL WITH FREEDOM " Sorry pieces if chit....I better get off before one of the moderators kicks off the site....dumb asss sand crickets......
This is the way D13er always post, he's too dumb to take part in a debate so he makes what he thinks are witty snide one liners.

D13er wish all you want. my chance of being killed by a rag head are about .000012 of my chance of being killed by lightning, and it would be less than that if we'ld have gone after bin Laden and forgot about Iraq. if you weren't such a coward you'ld realize that and attemt to solve this crisis without sending other peoples kids off to be blown up in a country that did nothing to us. you could also pull your head out and take note of the fact that many more people feel as I do than as you ,so what's that mean in a democracy? better head for your bomb shelter and start crying. the war in Iraq is about over and the camels are coming to get you, I wish them luck.

Overton, Petreaus and congress know this war has to ratchet down, and soon, they've said so already. what Bush wants is soon to be of no importance if he doesn't accept this. given these facts what would you have us do? nothing has been gained in Iraq, in fact we've helped Iran. we all know we can't exterminate all the muslims so again what should we do? world cooperation, a solution in the Palistine- Israel conflict and targeting specific targets by law enforcement are all we can do as I see it. it's easy to blame problems on people like me but the facts are things must change, no option. nuclear attacks or conventional genocide are things that are not going to happen, period. terrorist cells are all over the world, even in the US, so again how do we take this on and prevail while thumbing our nose at the rest of the world?

Not blaming anything on you. Not a Republican myself, just a blue dog. As you know blue dogs do have most of the same views and ideas as Republicans though. I am convinced that islam is on a whole dangerous. Words mean things and that is the view that they project. I believe that the words on their signs in the photos speak volumes. The conflict between islam and the west has been ongoing for over 1,000 years. Seems to me that Bush could not be responsible for the hatred entirely.
Take another view and see if anything there is good and wholesome. No better than Nazies.

You know what you get when you apply extreme heat and sand??? GLASS, turn that place into a sheet of glass!! I've been there, seen them. It's never going to get "better" whatever our standards are for "better"

Sgt Mike
Operation Iraqi Freedom III-IV

Aim Center Mass
I have to agree with hdude. Not all, infact most Muslims are not finatics. However there is a growing lot that is. They find there power in the Quran. Just read SURA 9 and it tells you everything you need to know about why some Muslims kill non believers.

I do have to disagree with your statement Dude "Many muslims do hate us, our support of Israel and the war in Iraq are the primary reasons." They hated us long before we ever entered Iraq Dude.

Look the Quran is a Prescriptive book written by one man who was a war lord bent on dominating the world. Some of his followers are attempting to do this now.

There are only two things that will end our war with Radical Islam.
1. Peaceful Muslims must rise up and take back their religon from the finatics. Then Islam must rewrite the Quran to reflct the modern era.

2. A war where we decimate the population of Islam and beat them into obscurity exactly like the Crusaders did. Then we wont have to worry about them for another 1000 years.
That makes some sense, but the muslim hatred for the US started with the formation of Israel. if we could somehow defuse that then I think the moderate more peaceful muslims might be able to gain control of the people. until this happens there can be no convincing muslims we aren't their enemy. telling them we'll talk after they accept Israel is same as telling them to go to hell. this won't be easy or cheap but it's the only solution, the longer it takes the deeper the hatred and the less the chance it can be done. there is NO military solution to this crisis with the muslims, in Iraq or anywhere else, end of story.

A war to exterminate or nearly exterminate them isn't going to happen. the world won't allow it, period. even if it did happen in this day in age as we saw on 9/11 it doesn't take many Arabs to do us harm, in the old days with clubs and spears it did. so again it's genocide or peace, nothing in between will work.

My point is the morons in the photo make it clear we are their enemy. Read the script again and see if you find that those are dangerous people. The signs are not anti bush, they are anti Europe as in the western world. Since we are not a muslim nation and we are a western nation that makes us enemies.
Someday you might stop making excuses for those morons. I hope so, I really do.

Ransom AKA the hater
What you and all other non-Christian people fail to realize, is that there is a spiritual element to everything happening in the middle east. You make many very good points and have several well thought out arguements in Man's way of thinking. The only problem is that God has his own adgenda.

You seem to believe that if Isreal would just cease to exist then all would be right in the world. The muslims of the world would just lay down their suicide bombs and everybody would just get along.

The problem is that God re-established Isreal as a nation. It was prophesied over 2400 years ago and nothing was going to stop it. This battle between the Isrealites and the inhabitants of the land of Canaan has been going on since Joshua brought the Isrealites across the Jordan river to the promised land thousands of years ago. God created a miracle and the Isrealites crossed the Jordan river(at flood stage)on dry ground.

There is no negotiating with Muslims. Isreal has tried concessions and every single time the Muslims want more. They continue to attack Isreal killing innocent civilians and then bragging about it. They believe that kiling Jews and Infidels grants them instant access to heaven where virgins are waiting for them. This is not isolated pockets of Islam, this is world wide.

Why? Because there is a spiritual battle being waged. There is only two sides to the battle. You're either on one side or the other. Winning the peace in Iraq is not going to stop the battle from being fought. It will continue I promise you that. God gave us the right to choose which side we are going to stand on. He doesn't force us to believe in Him. It is a choice. I know that you don't believe in God and I'm OK with that. That is your choice. But world domination is Satan's choice and he will not stop until Jesus Christ returns, and he will return, I promise you that.

I loved your post. You said what I couldn't find the words to say. The dude probably will not like it. The words on the signs send chills up my spine. Those morons are our enemy, not Bush. It is time for all political BS to stop and we unite to confront this enemy.

look at the hand writing on all of the signs, its all the same. this is a fake picture. all of these pictures have been doctored. if you don't believe me, just look at the "S" on all of the signs. unless there was some mass handwriting done y the same person. its fake
Your right! Those people love us! LOL good one. By the way after looking at the s on the signs they look more like 5's. Must be a code for upcoming attack. 5 days, 5 months, 5 years, 5 centuries it's all the same to those morons.

i am not wrong! i have a back round in bull sh*tting! and i know a good bull sh*t picture when i see one. just look at he signs.
I agree these pictures look like propaganda but I wasn't going to be the one to say it.

Idabuck your bible history is no doubt better than mine but the reality is the UN kicked the Palistinians off their land after WWII and there the fun began. Israel has made a few minor attempts at peace but they are just as much at fault as the Palistinians. niether side makes a deal and sticks with it, this is where we come in. we can force Israel to do anything we say and the Palistinians must have a carrot in front of them, if they're good they get rewarded, if they're bad then they die and on no uncertain terms. this can't be a voluntary agreement for either side if it's to work, I think the moderate muslims would do their part to see it did.

Again we can't exterminate them so how do we live with them and what can we do to get there. whining and hating and talking about things that can't be done accomplish nothing.
It doesn't really matter if they're real or not, we have protesters burn flags, does that mean all Americans burn flags and enjoy it? no. a few idiots don't speak for all. I can't imagine those being real pictures and nobody poking those signs down their throat anyway, I'd like to see them walk around with those in my town, bad idea.

If the UN is the agency that led to the creation of Israel then how come you don't believe the UN should help clean up the mess?

If the country if Israel didn't exist the Mullahs would have to invent her. Israel has made more then just a few attempts at peace with the Palestinian's and look what it gets them every time: Haji spontanously blows up in public places where Israeli's gather.

There is no Palestinian leader who will dare make peace with Israel, period. Unless then wish to go home to Allah after being assassinated.

We are bound to Israel by treaties, which were approved not only by previous administration but also ratified by the Previous Senates.

Bill Clinton worked as hard or harder then any U.S. president to bring about lasting peace between the Palestinian's and Israeli's. Arafat crapped backwards down Clinton's back not once but twice. So it is not the U.S. that is the sole cause of the problems in this conflict and we have tried numerous times, it is almost always the Palestinians who first start lobbing missiles into Israel or strapping explosives on teenagers to blow up Israeli citizen.

Why not blame the Palestinians as much as the Israeli's unless you are completely blind to the situation on the ground.

I do, the Palistinians are probably more to blame, but they're also the ones who lost. why do you think some my relatives on the rez still don't like the white man? if the Indians had won they'ld probably have a better attitude don't you think? what if the Jews had lost would they be nice ? the point is until we take a whole new look to this issue and use force on both sides we'll be fighting with the muslims, we may have to anyway, but we can't just give up.
Now after starting all this I'm going hunting for the next 5 days. So long and don't kill each other while I'm gone.
Wow 5 days, maybe the ragheads were signaling me with their signs.
Huntindude we do have one thing in common besides hunting, my ggreat grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents and mom moved in waves from Texas, New Mex., Ok. border area to North Central Oregon starting about ioo years ago. Took about 20 years of this before my mother made it there. They were also farmers/ ranchers. Never lived there myself, too liberal for my tastes. Have one brother who does live there and he is liberal. Not much hope for him. My other brother is like me, a smart a$$ and stubborn.
Good luck to you all.

> but I do know
>Islam is a religion that
>believe in Ala or somme
>other crazy shitt head of
>the sort , but not

Ummm "Allah" is the Arabic litteral word for God.

>View the pictures below and decide
>how you really feel about
>the future of the Western
>These pictures are of Muslims marching
>through the streets of London
>during their recent "Religion of
>Peace Demonstration."









>Why would anyone think that we
>should be at war with
>such nice, peaceful Moslems?!
>Americans need to know - You
>need to forward this one
>to everyone in your address
>book! These Pictures tell it
>Muslims have stated that England will
>be the first country they
>take over!
>These are pictures not shown on
>American TV or in American
>Newspapers (as they might help
>Bush's war on terror), but
>were forwarded to me by
>a Canadian Friend who thought
>Americans ought to know!


I thought in your honor I would bring back that loveable bunch of muslims. After being out in the mountains and taking a bull elk give us your opinion on the clowns.

What's to say? you're the one wanting to spend our blood and treasure to make them happy in their new Iraq not me. until you solve the Palistine-Israel issue get used to Muslims hating you, end of story.

All I can say for sure is if these are real pictures, I wouldn't advise them to do it in my little town.
I like photos of naked chicks better! Can't a sountern boy come up with anything better than smelly towel heads in London? I heard Bear Bryant was a closet terrorist!

How 'bout it RANDSOME, ain't ya got one of them Daisy Dukes in your file somewhere?

>I like photos of naked chicks
>better! Can't a sountern boy
>come up with anything better
>than smelly towel heads in
>London? I heard Bear Bryant
>was a closet terrorist!
>How 'bout it RANDSOME, ain't ya
>got one of them Daisy
>Dukes in your file somewhere?

Calm down RUS. Less than a week to go and I'll be in Kona.
I guess they don't let you Utahans out much and your exsightment is understandable.
I hope my grandchildren by my soon to be daughter in law aren't born with Utardism. She being 100% Utard and my wife 1/4 Utard I'm starting to worry. By my calculations my grandkids will be 9/16 Utard. Crap!
See what happens when you pick on me? Nice but chity at the same time.

"my wife 1/4 Utard I'm starting to worry".

No worries mate! The other 75% is why she puts up with you! <smile>

Post script: Those angry towel head photos was already posted a while ago! I want a report from Kona! You went all the way to Wyoming & didn't even post one photo of naked chicks, guess we won't expect much from Kona either.

>Thats good math there Ransomm. I,
>for a minute, thought it
>was 5/8.


Yes computing Utardism is a serious and tricky business. Have been married to my 1/4 Utard for 35 years now so I'm getting good at it. Hope my grandkids have the reccesive gene in lieu of the dominant Utard gene.

Why do you use such harsh words like "genocide"? Couldn't you use something more politicly correct? I do believe I remeber you using the term "population control".
Now that was hitting below the belt, but I couldn't resist.
Huntindude you are correct with saying that we will never win unless we give up Israel. When we let them kill Israel they will then come after us. I say let Israel turn them into glass. Islam is a bull sheet realign. I have been to England 6 times in the last 2 years these sob?s with their signs are for real. I have seen them march with my own two eyes. I also went into a restaurant full of the sob?s and almost didn't make it out. As soon as they heard me speak all eyes were on me!

Desereteagle500 I don't know if you like to stir the pot but I have to say I disagree with everything I have ever read that you have posted!
I never said give them Israel, I said a deal between Israel and Palistine must be struck, if we have to force Israel to the table so be it.

If Israel makes a nuclear or major attack they will be eliminated, don't think it can't happen. the only reason Isreal is still there today is our economic and military support and Russia is challenging it. the whole region along with Russia and China dislike them, and we're a half a world away and preoccupied. we can't protect them from everything forever, both sides will reach a compromise or die, it's anyones guess how much time is left.

Do you really think the palestinians would live up to any compromise ?? Do you really believe that ??

You are correct in making a deal. I just don't think you we can make a deal with the devil. I wish it was somehow possible but it is their way or the highway ?Their meaning Muslim.?

I have had family in Iraq and friend in Afghanistan. We will never win over there period. They all just want to kill themselves I say pull out and let them, before we go broke trying to fix their civil wars.

I would hate to see our gas prices go to hell after we do that though. So lets pump them dry before we pull out completely.

I am a gun toeten right wing conservative republican hick and still believe it was all about oil and religion.
You have to hope, so far they've held their end of the deal as well or better than Israel has.

For it to work both sides woild have to understand ANY violation to the agreement would have harsh consequences. and I mean BOTH sides
The people of the middle east and elsewhere hate us because we meddle in their affairs and we created israel and took away land from them to do so. They will continue to hate us for what the U.S. has done and will never forget it no matter what happens. Muslim extremists are blood lusting people that want nothing but death and destruction of everything and everyone that isn't part of the muslim faith. Heck, some of them even hate and kill other muslims that aren't on their same way of thinking.

The only way that I can see us digging our way out of this hole is to pull everyone home, stop meddling and let them kill eachother, and to force Israel to give the palestinians what they want. Because until then everyone is going to hate us for whatever Israel does.

Plain and simple, we need to mind our own business and STAY OUT OF IT! Look at Canada, they keep their nose clean and don't do anything. Do you think anyone has a beef with Canada? Do you think anyone wants to bomb Canada?
OBH! Couldn't agree more ... except, we can't stay out of it ... we have to have the oil! Period!

We can't let the Palestinians have what they want cause that is ZERO jews and that ain't acceptable!

As far as Canada goes ... they're just smarter than we are. Why take a punch when your neighbor is too dumb to duck. Kinda like the French.


"Plain and simple, we need to mind our own business and STAY OUT OF IT! Look at Canada, they keep their nose clean and don't do anything. Do you think anyone has a beef with Canada? Do you think anyone wants to bomb Canada?"
Well I'll cast my vote to bomb Canada. Does this count?

LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-07 AT 10:18PM (MST)[p] Oregonbowhunter
I agree 100%, please run for president.

swbuckmaster sounds like a good running mate, I'll vote for anyone who sees through the bullcrap and calls a spade a spade.

I'd run but I think Ted Kennedy would get less of a grilling than I would .
>AT 10:18?PM (MST)

> Oregonbowhunter
> I agree 100%, please run
>for president.
> swbuckmaster sounds like a good
>running mate, I'll vote for
>anyone who sees through the
>bullcrap and calls a spade
>a spade.
> I'd run but I think
>Ted Kennedy would get less
>of a grilling than I
>would .

Ted should get less grilling.

man!Charles Martel yah

He is best remembered for winning the Battle of Tours in 732, which has traditionally been characterized as an event that halted the Islamic expansionism in Europe that had conquered Iberia. "Charles's victory has often been regarded as decisive for world history, since it preserved western Europe from Muslim conquest and Islamization." [1]

In addition to being the leader of the army that prevailed at Tours, Charles Martel was a truly giant figure of the Middle Ages. A brilliant general, he is considered the forefather of western heavy cavalry, chivalry, founder of the Carolingian Empire (which was named after him), and a catalyst for the feudal system, which would see Europe through the Middle Ages. (Although some recent scholars have suggested he was more of a beneficiary of the feudal system than a knowing agent for social change, others continue to see him as the primary catalyst for the feudal system.)[2]
>man!Charles Martel yah
>He is best remembered for winning
>the Battle of Tours in
>732, which has traditionally been
>characterized as an event that
>halted the Islamic expansionism in
>Europe that had conquered Iberia.
>"Charles's victory has often been
>regarded as decisive for world
>history, since it preserved western
>Europe from Muslim conquest and
>Islamization." [1]
>In addition to being the leader
>of the army that prevailed
>at Tours, Charles Martel was
>a truly giant figure of
>the Middle Ages. A brilliant
>general, he is considered the
>forefather of western heavy cavalry,
>chivalry, founder of the Carolingian
>Empire (which was named after
>him), and a catalyst for
>the feudal system, which would
>see Europe through the Middle
>Ages. (Although some recent scholars
>have suggested he was more
>of a beneficiary of the
>feudal system than a knowing
>agent for social change, others
>continue to see him as
>the primary catalyst for the
>feudal system.)[2]

Yep! Charles the Hammer, great grand dad many times removed to most people in Western Europe and North America. I'll claim him as an ancestor any day.
Any one here claim Mohammed the Camel......

"OBH! Couldn't agree more ... except, we can't stay out of it ... we have to have the oil! Period!

We can't let the Palestinians have what they want cause that is ZERO jews and that ain't acceptable!

As far as Canada goes ... they're just smarter than we are. Why take a punch when your neighbor is too dumb to duck. Kinda like the French.


Oil, Canada has oil. Sure they may pay a little more for it but the rate we're going we'll be paying as much as they do for it. By us being over there, have we secured any oil that we wouldn't have by staying out of it? They have to sell it to somebody? We don't control the oil over there. Oil costs more now than ever, so tell me how by starting a war we've secured more oil?

Something needs to happen with Israel, that is the root of most of the anger towards the U.S. My guess is that the middle east will unite and wipe them out with a nuke when they build one.
"Something needs to happen with Israel, that is the root of most of the anger towards the U.S. My guess is that the middle east will unite and wipe them out with a nuke when they build one."

So, we let them wipe the Jews from the earth, sort of let them finish what Hitler started, is that your 'solution'? Freakin nice plan!

Your last sentence is EXACTLY why we can NOT allow Iran to get nukes, and Hillbill or Obama is NOT going to stop that. Rudy and/or Mitt will!

>"Something needs to happen with Israel,
>that is the root of
>most of the anger towards
>the U.S. My guess is
>that the middle east will
>unite and wipe them out
>with a nuke when they
>build one."
>So, we let them wipe the
>Jews from the earth, sort
>of let them finish what
>Hitler started, is that your
>'solution'? Freakin nice plan!
>Your last sentence is EXACTLY why
>we can NOT allow Iran
>to get nukes, and Hillbill
>or Obama is NOT going
>to stop that. Rudy and/or
>Mitt will!

To piggy back on Pro they won't stop with Isreal next will be us. Don't kid yourself Oregonbowhunter.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 11:07PM (MST)[p]The US, and sort of England are the only freinds Israel has in the world. people who hate Israel already have nukes, too late there.

I doubt Israel will get nuked though that's possible. Iran has over 11,000 missiles that could be fired at Israel in less than 60 seconds, back that up with support from other foes and maybe even Russia and China given the right situation and we can't save them. it's in everyones best interest to compromise, the missile defense project and Putin's response are proof that patience is running low .

Anyone who thinks Israel is in any way helping or defending the US in the middle east is delusional. we may have an obligation to them but they don't offer anything in return, get real.
No PRO that is not my freakin plan! What I'm saying is that something needs to happen with Israel soon or that is a possible future scenario. And when I say something I mean some kind of peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians. Such as what's in the works now. Hopefully they can get somewhere. BUT...if things stay the way they are, eventually, at some point something is going to happen. You can't deny that. I'm not for advocating the destruction of Israel if that's what you're getting at. Yes we should be there to aid them but as long as we stand up for them and be big brother then we are making ourselves a target. Even if we stop Iran from getting nukes now, eventually they will get them, they are a powerful nation and as far as I'm concerned I don't think there is much we can do to stop them. They have a lot of pull in that region of the world. Iran is a big country and a long way from here, they could build one a mile underground without us knowing about it. They will get a bomb, it's just a matter of when.

To the point that they already have nukes and they haven't used them yet... An established government isn't going to use one and face the consequences. What will happen is the right someone will make one disappear and hand it right to a group of terrorists and drive it right on in the front door. There's no barriers for terrorists to get one accross the middle east. Why would a government nuke someone when a nuke can just disappear and the terrorists can take the blame.

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