Being a Moderator


Long Time Member
Recently Slamdunk became a moderator and now there is talk of NV and D13er becoming campfire moderators to keep this place in line. Probably not a bad idea.


NVbighorn's acceptance speech:
"It's awkward having a moderator around the house. Friends drop in, a man with a badge answers the door, the temperature drops 20 degrees.

You throw a party and that badge gets in the way. All of a sudden there isn't a straight man in the crowd. Everybody's a comedian. "Don't post anything too outrageous," somebody says, "or the man with a badge'll run you in." Or "How's it going, Dikc Tracy? How many posters did you nuke today?"

All at once you lost your first name. You're a cop, a flatfoot, a bull, Johnny Law. You're the fuzz, the heat; you're poison, you're trouble, you're bad news. They call you everything, but never a moderator.

It's not much of a life, unless you don't mind missing your daughters graduation because the computer calls. Unless you like working Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, at a job that doesn't pay overtime. Oh, the pay's adequate-- if you count pennies you can put your kid through college, but you better plan on seeing Europe on your television set.

And then there's your first night on the beat. When you try to delete a Feleno post and you then get ripped by everyone on the forums. You may survive, but life won't be easy.

And you're going to rub elbows with the elite-- hunters, poachers, thieves, bums, winos, girls who can't keep an address and men who don't care. Liars, cheats, con men-- the class of Skid Row.

And the heartbreak-- under age kids, uneducated kids, whining kids, spoiled kids, crying kids, kids that can't spell, caplock kids, dumb kids, sniveling kids, bone-headed kids, lying kids, dying kids, dead kids. The old people nobody wants--Kilo, Eel, Nickman, the pensioners, the ones who walk the street cold, and those who tried to keep warm and died in a $10 room with an unventilated gas heater. You'll scan the forums, you and try to pick up the pieces.

Do you have real adventure in your soul? You better have, because you're gonna do time in a chair. Oh, it's going to be a thrill a minute when you get an unknown poster at 1:00 in the morning, never knowing who you'll meet-- a kid with an attitude, a bad speller with a keyboard, or Cat with nothing else to do at 3:00 a.m..

And you're going to have plenty of time to think. You'll draw duty in a lonely room, with nobody to talk to but your monitor.

Three months with a badge and you'll have the ability and the experience.....but maybe the desire to be a moderator wains. But if you like to flying by the seat of your pants, this is where you belong. For every thread you nuke, you've got a million internet junkies waiting in line. And most of the time, you'll have few facts and a lot of hunches. You'll run down threads that dead-end on you. You'll work all-night stakeouts that could last a week. You'll do leg work until you're sure you've IP?d everyone in the state of Utah.

People who say they read this or that - but really didn't. People who insist they did it - but really didn't. People who don't remember - those who try to forget. Those who tell the truth - those who lie. You'll read the thread until your eyes ache.

And paperwork required by the site owner? Oh, you'll fill out a report when you're right, you'll fill out a report when you're wrong, you'll fill one out when you're not sure, you'll fill one out listing your nukes, you'll fill one out when you have no nukes, you'll fill out a report on the reports you've made! You'll write enough words in your lifetime to stock a library. You'll learn to live with doubt, anxiety, frustration. Banning decisions that tend to hinder rather than help you. BFE, Rackmaster, Wiz, KTC, AZStick, cjboz and others. And sometimes you're not going to be happy with the outcome. Retribution can be cruel.

But there's also this: there are over 5,000 men on this forum, who know that being a moderator is an endless, glamourless, thankless job that's gotta be done.

I know it, too, and I'm damn glad to be one of them."
That was quite an acceptance speech.. And I have to say I was very moved when I read it. When I got to the part about the old people that nobody wants (Kilo, Eel, Nick) I actually had to stop for a moment and collect myself as I can see myself in the near future as one that nobody wants. I will look at moderators differently now that I understand what a difficult task they do on a daily basis.

What more can I say other than "Bravo"...
FELENO, just when i think i've seen your best work.......
The campfire would be NOTHING with you, that's a fact!! ;-)

Feleno, you snivvel and whine, but fail to mention the perks. You know the monogrammed BBQ apron and the Mossback Monster Mulies calendar, have to count for something!
thanks guys, i come up with some strange things when i'm bored

Perks? that apron fell apart like a wet paper towel the second time through the wash. i gotta admit it was kinda purdy in the beginning
Feleneo, good stuff right there. I know who to get to be my speech writer should the need ever arise. Sadly, it kinda sounded like some of the shmucky stuff I have written. :)

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