Beginner Bowhunter


Long Time Member
I shoot a compound bow and have just started hunting with it a few years ago. I take my 8 yr. old daughter out scouting with me sometimes. Last night she asked if I could buy her a bow so she could shoot as well(in the backyard-not hunt). Whats best for her to shoot? Should I buy her a childs compound bow or start with a small recurve bow to break her in? I was stoked when she asked me to get her a bow of her own! Any feed back would be great! Keep in mind Im not going to spend a huge amount of money for it- maybe up to $125 or so.
That is great to have your daughter interested in archery! I think starting her out on a good quality recurve ,like a PSE buckeye JR in 54" 20lbs would give here a good foundation to start with. A simple recurve would allow her to develope needed hand eye cordination, and just get the hang of pulling back and releasing. The main thing is keeping it fun and simple. However, once she gets the hang of it, you can graduate her up to a compound bow such as the Browning micro midas, or the Mathews Genesis. Both of these bows are fully ajustable to grow with her, and have the feel of an adult bow. Good Luck!!!
I appreciate the advice. I havent shot a recurve bow since I was a kid so I know things have changed. Would you suggest just a stripped down, easy, no sights model? Is this a bow that I can order from Cabelas and be ready to shoot? Should I go to the local shop and have her fitted for the right size bow?
I just started my 9 year old last year on a recurve. and this year she is asking for a compound with sights. ao my suggestion is start simple and make it fun.. and they will let you know when they are ready to advance. and yes i bought her a golden eagle brave with 1 pin sight she loves it and now wants a release aid too. ( it will never end)
I purchased my daughter a little recurve years ago (7 years old)and she loved it. I was also shooting a traditional bow so she felt right at home. We had many a fun afternoon shooting our bows in the back yard. Since she has grown some, I purchesed a Mathewes Genesis bow and she really likes shooting that bow. Look on e-bay and you can find one cheep!!
I am probably in the minority here, but I would go with Browning Micro Midas right out of the gate.

Here is my logic:

Some kids get really frustrated with the difficulty in being accurate with a recurve bow. I have 3 sons and I went the recurve route with my first son and he was really frustrated with his inability to shoot consistently with it and we had trouble keeping his interest up. We bought him a Micro Midas and it was like magic! He shoots all the time and he is hooked on archery.

If you buy it and she doesn't like it, you can always sell it and get a pretty price for it.
Well, it would be a little easier if you all were saying the same thing!! I do appreciate all the feedback. Not quite sure what Ill get her. Ill have to ask her what she would prefer to start out with. Thanks a lot guys!

My daughter did the same thing. When I was shooting, she would stand behind me and draw back her imaginary bow and pretend to shoot. I was oblivious to this because I was concentrating on the shot. My wife told me that my daughter did this whenever I practiced. I researched all of the youth bows that I could find, and ended up going with the Genesis. It is built like a real bow, while most of the others seemed almost toyish. If you go with one of the higher end youth bow such as the Micro Midas or the Genesis, I would highly recommend the Wisker Biscuit as the arrow rest. My daughter had to use her finger to hold the arrow as she would draw back to shoot. Sometimes she would forget to take her finger off before the release. This resulted in a fricion burn on her finger tip. Anyway,the Wisker Biscuit eliminated all arrow/rest related issues she was having.
My daughter is ten and shoots a PSE SPYDER. IT versital in draw length and weight and grows with them and costs about $200. She shoots bear bow and wont shoot any other way...>>>>>>>>>>Sharlin

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