Before and After


Long Time Member
One for the ladies....
It's MM's very own Jazz! Be carful His Female side comes out very strong. Its His/her way or the highway and ShHe's always right. Be carful or ShHe will bring out the IQ comments.
Tiny Tim and Tim McGraw.

At least these two are not naked and this is not the normal kind of misogyny that goes on so insipiently around here.
Please tell us you are NOT eating bannana pudding with strawberries and whip cream....

Come on are 'Our Man'....

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-10 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]Robbbbb
just thought i'd throw one in there for Homorj and the rest of the ladies :)

Yes it is Tiny Tim McGraw
F-er you better hurry up and get home so you can watch Wheel of Fortune for your Spin I.D. number due to your Before and after posts:)

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