Beer Cans



What do you think of the twinkers that leave beer cans all up and down the mountain roads? Its good they rarely get out of the truck or the cans would be all over the place. I guess it could be some sort of a trap trying to bring in a yetti that likes that last sip. Last year on the muzz hunt there were cans all over the place. It made the hills look like a trash dump. This might seem like a real stupid post but it ticks me off when people treat our land like its a dump! The same people go fishing at the lake where I live, But those people are even bigger morons they break their beer bottles on the rocks. That really sucks when your dog gets a pad cut off on glass. Well so much for this wine session. The people that do it dont give a dam!
What I find amazing are the amount of plastic water containers all over the place. Also, in our neck of the woods, down in the hell holes are buttt loads of squished up aluminum foil with left over rice in the wad. Pissses me off. Outraged. Rick
I can not tolerate littering, I pick stuff up all the time. when I camp some where the last thing we do is take a walk around the entire place and pick up everything. People tell me why bother some one elese will mess it up again. And I have to say, If I and some of the other people never cleaned up your trash, The woods would look like your living room and I do not want to camp in your livingroom.
I'm with you guys. I have gotten in the habit of carrying a plastic bag with me. When I'm out taking pictures I pick up garbage and haul it out. I believe most hunter, hikers, and those that enjoy our outdoors do take their garbage out with them. Unfortunately, I like to believe it is a small minority that liter.

For the record, at the end of our weekend outings, we have 3 people designated to make sure that our area of celebration is all clear of debris and refuse.

It really sucks to see what a mess those lazy #*$&%# make on our roads and mountains. It would be a full time job to try and keep them all picked up. When we get done camping, we give the kids bags and tell them whoever comes up with the most trash gets $$$$. They usually scatter all over the area cleaning up in order to win the $$$. That helps a little to clean up others garbage in the general area.
They must not dare throw the emptys in the back of their trucks, so they chuck them out the windows? Wish they'd catch a few and make some examples! Maybe, but just maybe, they would clean up their act... (but i doubt it) Like the above post says, Trash is Trash.
That pisses me off too. But what just amazes me is when I have hiked into some remote place and sit down to glass and look down and find a beer can squashed and left. What the heck are these clowns thinking? They carry the beer in with them and sit down it a beautiful spot, drink the beer and then leave it there? What kind of a jerk would do that? I'd like to beat them senseless. Oh wait, they already are senseless.
I agree with all the people in here who hate seeing trash in the outdoors. Beer bottles and cans are my worst items of trash to find. Simply because the lazy a-holes who tossed em out could have easily tossed em in the back of their trucks and recycled them later.

Pack it in, Pack it out, I accumlate pockets of trash from what I take hunting or hiking as does everyone in this forum right ?
Pick out what you pack in
Been my philosophy for years and will always stand.

The last time I got into a fist fight was about 10 years ago, and it was over some pig and his skanky girl friend left about a case worth of beer cans at the Diamond Fork hot springs. They started to leave and I told them they are forgetting their trash he turned around and told me to f-off and pick it up myself. I was with my girl friend at the time, she talked me into just letting it go. So when we left we picked it up and packed it out. When we got to the parking lot, the pig and his skank were passed out in their car. They woke up to the sound of me dumping the beer cans in their back seat. He didn't like that and got out of his car swinging. So I had to defend myself by punching him in the face a few times, witch wasn't that hard because he was still drunk off his ass. The last I saw of them, he was sitting on the ground bleeding and his skanky girlfriend with no teeth was cusing me out. Drunk people shouldn't start fights with sober people.
Yollybolla I feel your pain BRO! Ever get caught in a drive by 20 VIET NAMIES? I just put my back to the biggest Pine then thought it was time to get the hell outta dodge when the shot count got to 70! That was soldier ridge!
The next year it was smoke house and pony ridge! Each time they shot 6-10 nice bucks 1-2 bear(does were shot,sow bear that still had milk driping outta the tit,golden retrevier,every kinda bird that was in the area, one of the guys in the group also hit in the hand!) When the asians are in the B zone area that I wish to hunt I move on, if they where there before I won't hunt it for 2 years! and yes they had BEER CANS and ate rice outta foil wrapper and disguarded them where they wish and F&G did notta when told them of this and CAL TIPS would not even take the plate numbers I had(said they knew of this group). A man I work with said they sale the deer meat at Asian markets in Sac!

I use to have a favorite little beaver pond that I would take my cousins kids to to go fishing. We got there one day and some douche bag had dumped a couple of bags of garbage and left it. The raccoons had it strewn all over the place. I took a stick and dug around in the trash to see if I could find out some info on who might have done this. I found a couple of credit card bills with all the info that I needed on them. Being a Deputy Sheriff at the time, my partner and I showed up at this gentleman's trailer and escorted him to jail. Not only did we get him for littering but also for the 3 warrants he had for failure to appear in court and un-paid fines.

RACKMASTER: When Jimmy Carter opened up our borders nearly 30 years ago, the Laotions, Cambodians and S. Vietnamese nearly wiped out our wildlife. With little controls and regulations on them, they were like killing machines that destroyed anything that moved. Yes, including ground squirrels, bluejays and many other non game wildlife. These disrespectful types hunted exactly the way you said they did. You'd better had hit the dirt once the barrage started. The old timers were NOT afraid to hunt the hell holes while the fat lazy beer drinking white trash arseholes were guzzling and road hunting.

Anyway,the next generation of hmongs seem to have more respect for the wildlife but they still leave garbage and trash where ever they go. Here are a couple of observations: Have you ever seen them packing 3 different firearms? Have you ever noticed the intense hatred between the Laotions and Cambodians? Have you ever seem them cooking a ground squirrel on a spit and eating everything except the already burned off hair? I could go on but I just wish that all hunters would pick up their friggin trash.
So what's the big deal, eh? All those guys are doing is returning the aluminum and glass to mother earth. Isn't that where the raw material came from in the first place????? What's the alternative? Do the good yuppie thing and put your recycleables in a recycleable bin so that they can be melted down into metal or glass and turned into cars? That makes things even bigger and even worse!!! Heck, give the guys credit for dodgin the system and doing the right thing. Just think, they could've taken the easy route and thrown those cans and bottles in the recyle bin, but Noooooooo....they made the effort to bring them back into the ecosystem, you gotta give em credit for going the extra mile to do that.

On a little more serious note, there's sure not much you can do as an indivdual to stop strangers from littering and trashing up the landscape by bellyaching about it. In fact, nobody hears it, in particular the people doing it. The only thing I know to do is pick the can up and put it in my backpack so I don't see it the next time I'm out there. Actions speak louder than words.
What I have seen is the Asians do is take an ole mattress and set it on fire and then they that the small game and birds cook them on it! and thats also make my sick what a mess when they leave!
Rackmaster: yep, Have you seen them performing a good morning ceremony as the sun comes up? Not sure what the commotion is all about, but they start praying and hollering (moaning) and making such an annoying noise that it scares the hell out of you. I've seen and heard this several times and it alwayw seems to be around the 20th of October. I do respect their efforts to harvest and utilize all the meat but, the way they do it with 20 or more guys savagely killing indiscriminately anything that is edible is just friggin nuts. They all have walkie talkies and use them very effectively. I haven't seen any of them riding quads or flying chute planes! Rick
Wow, this post is making me dizzy

Shotgun, you get my vote for most entertaining, on the beat-down.
I get just as sick of Cigarette butts as I do cans. Why is it smokers think they can throw the butt anywhere they want? IT IS LITTERING YOU DORKS.
And the sad part is they are still burning when they throw them out! What the H*%# are these guys thinking? Guess if they were thinking, they wouldn't be throwing lit cigarettes out the window!!!
I throw out full beer cans to feed the bigfoots.

Hey, they get to drink beer, too!

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