Been Awhile


Active Member
I have been away from the webpage for some time and just signed back today - In the past I went by Wildsage, didn't post much but enjoyed reading the comments. Things in some ways are the same but new issues have been added such as long range shooting, drones, and airplanes for scouting. Wonder what will be next for the future?? I am not against technology but I just found it more of a hunt just walking in the woods and locating your game and getting as close as possible to make a good kill shot. .

I turned 75 years old in November and still hunt. I have seen the many changes in Colorado from the time I killed my first buck in 1961 - a lot of you weren't alive back then so you really don't remember the so called good ole days - I can tell you from my experience that we didn't have all the issues and drama that exists today. I will admit though that changes had to be made as a result of population expanding in hunting areas.

Well this ole man has rambled long enough - maybe toooooo long.

No ATV's (walked into most areas or used horses or mules)
Weaver 4 power scopes
Maps no GPS
No Colorado units (can hunt state wide)
No Preference points
No Finder fees (that I know of)
Fewer seasons
No Landowner permits
Welcome back. Things change, sometimes for better, sometimes worse. I turn 65 this year and love to hunt here in Idaho. Still bone out and backpack my elk and deer. We hate ATV's, don't get along with horses or mules (I will kiss one on the lips if he has my elk on it tho!). Can use a map and compass if need be, and still like luck of the draw systems (my 18 points in Utah haven't proven beneficial yet :) Looking forward to more posts and ancient history.
Aceman/Wildsage...welcome back. Yes time goes on and a lot of changes as well some good and some bad.
I will be 73 in a few months, March to be exact. Still hunt and will as long as I can hold up my rifle, walk/climb. It is us old goats that refuse to change.

I'm just a click younger (61) but "almost" consider myself an old dog so I'll throw in my thoughts.

Many of the changes are fueled my greed and glory, greed and glory is perpetuated by the rapid access to communication (internet). The drama is totally internet based. There was absolutely no way to have drama before the WWW. We rarely knew what others were doing unless they were camped next to us or we talked to them at work/school. Period.

Like I said, just my 2 cents,

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