Beefys' Ancestors?


Long Time Member
Now we know what Beefys' ancestors were doing 35,000 years ago.

BERLIN ? A 35,000-year-old ivory carving of a busty woman found in a German cave was unveiled Wednesday by archaeologists who believe it is the oldest known sculpture of the human form. The carving found in six fragments in Germany's Hohle Fels cave depicts a woman with a swollen belly, wide-set thighs and large, protruding breasts.

"It's very sexually charged," said University of Tuebingen archaeologist Nicholas Conard, whose team discovered the figure in September.

"Yeah my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Geico did that carving. He had a "club" this long that drove the women crazy"
If that thing is sexually charges, I'd be a little weary of touching the brown spots on it....eeeewwwwwww!


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