Beaver unit deer



Have enough pref points to draw the Beaver any weapon deer this year, been wanting to hunt the unit since I came to the state. Will have some time to scout this summer to get lay of land. Any insight on what I can expect would be great, either here or pm. What kind of travel issues on roads can i expect with rain/snow? bad mud, etc.? Good areas to glass? Not a lot of permits on area so maybe crowding won't be a big problem? Areas to get away from other hunters without going in 3 plus miles? Thanks for any info you can share, and good luck on the draws!
I have hunted the Beaver unit for many years, however, I have access to private land that enables me to get to some stuff that others can't access.

As far as public land, I wouldn't kid yourself thinking that crowding won't be an issue, it is a southern utah unit and gets a lot of pressure, so do your research and try and find a way to get away from people, probably the only way is to go in a ways, at least a few miles IMO. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is what it is.
Beaver has it's issues. First, it has goats and now it has lots of elk, and big big bulls. These species bring a lot of attention from hunters and all of the hunters friends with binoculars. It also is known as one of the best ATV trails around. MAny people come from everywhere on their atvs to sightsee or blaze their own trail.

People know about it if there is a big buck on the beavers.

This attention has not done any favors for the deer quality. The few places that are a mile or two off the road have the attention from all the go-getter backpack hunters. It's a crowded unit. With that, there are some deer and I'd suggest looking where there are no goats, little elk, and in remote mid-to-low elevation spots where a buck has been overlooked for a couple of years.
Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated. Hopefully I can spend enough time to look things over this summer and before the hunt. Not really worried about finding a big buck, just looking to have some fun with a chance for a mature deer. Guess I have my work cut out for me. Thanks again!
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