Beatin' Bush.



Me: My dog's gittin' fat.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: My truck blew a brake cylinder.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: My grand-daughter like's giraffe's over okapi's.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: My neighbor think's that the neighbor below him pick's his nose too much.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: Easter lillie's stink.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: 116 channel's on TV and nothin' worth watchin'.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: I didn't get drawn for a goat tag.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: I only got 20.8% instead of 20.9% on my gas test today.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: My dog's got brown eye's instead of blue.
Huntindude: It's Bush's fault!
Me: My state is full of stupid,liberal Demoncrat's who have no common sense.
Huntindude: Is common sense a game show?

Huntindude, If Hillary were to run as a Republican with Bill as a veep.....I'd consider voting for 'em just to cancell your vote.

Your rhetoric is old.
Your post is Bush's fault because you must believe some of the things he says, big mistake. You also must believe he has good advisers another mistake. Thank God for the U.S and the Constitution to protect us from the things that are Bush fault.
Nothing's Bush's fault, it's still Clinton's fault we know.

A month ago Bush was to get credit for the economy, now that the feds are trying to prop it up and keep credit concerns from causing a wreck what do you say? not his fault, we know.

Bush got credit for kicking Saddam out , remember " mission accomplished " ? now Iraq's a disaster but it's not Bush's fault right? point is you can't take credit for the good and deny responsibility for the bad, it would be great if life worked that way but it doesn't.

Nobody says Bush is reponsible for everything that happens, just hold him accountable for the things within his control and you'll have more than enough to critisize him for. this president deserves more blame than most because for 6 years he and his party held the house,senate and the whitehouse. pretty hard to slip the turd in someone elses pocket under those circumstanses, your ignorance is getting old.
The HUNTNDUDE think everyone is ignorant!
Even President Bush because he doesn't talk like the Harvard Graduate with a Master's Degree.

Maybe the DUDE just isn't capable of understanding well educated people?
Bush is a good example of a well educated person? grade school educated maybe.

Speaking skills are important for a position such as president. you're the most powerful leader in the world and when you can't choose or pronounce words it doesn't inspire confidence. that could be overlooked if his actions were better than his speaches, both are sorry. why is it some of you are bent on making this a hatred towards Bush thing? he's an elected official doing a crappy job not a little old lady bringing burnt cookies to the bake sale. if he's doing his best then that's not good enough, and we don't have to bite our tongues.

Some of you don't understand politics and democracy very well, less than one in three Americans approve of Bush and the job he's doing. that means you need to prove your point I don't need to prove mine. whining at the majority who disapprove only shows your weakness and lack of anything tangible to boost your position.

Let's see if the MM Bushies can pull off a feat Karl Rove knew he couldn't, good luck with that.
I have to agree that Bush has failed at many items. All I can say is Thank God that Clinton or some jackass Demi. Hasnt been there. Atleast we still have some hope.
And if Hilary or OBama are elected we then have officially lost all hope!

Romney for Pres!!
For sure, if a dem had been elected Bin Laden may still be free and al Qaida may still be a threat. plus we wouldn't have taken Iraq down for attacking us on 9/11 and for all those WMD's they were going to use on us I'll bet . add to that how well Iraq has turned out, how much we've reduced the deficit, and how low energy prices are .I just can't imagine life under a dem president, scary just to think about it.
Huntindude, my initial rant was targeted at you simply because 1) I feel you tend to lean left and 2)your post's happened to be the one's I was reading with a few beer's in my belly. My initial rant resulted from spending 12 hour's at work with an extremely left leaning Democrat who complain's and whine's all day long(12 hour's)about, basically, how the hard working rich man should fund the lazy poor man. This is a guy who use's every company perk to his fullest advantage (calling in sick, FMLA, breaking his vacation up into hour's(Christmas eve, New Year's morning, Thankgiving afternoon etc.) and causing other's to have to cancel plan's (normally their day off) to cover for his sorry $ss. We're shift worker's, so someone alway's has to be there. He constantly #itch's about the company but spend's those paycheck dollar's every 2 week's.
Now with that aside, yes you are correct in that I am a bit ignorant of the full spectrum of the political machine. Especially the one that goes on away from our eye's. The next morning, after my initial rant, I felt a little funny. Maybe slightly embarassed. But, it inspired me to do a little research too. In my research I found fault's with both major partie's, some big,some small, and I have to say that the party that I associate with the most(between the Dem's and Rep's) is the Republican's. Now, locally, the Libertarian's sure have an interesting angle. Unfortunantly, the last election I voted a couple of my vote's to support the "lesser of two evil's". I won't do that again. I'll vote for my choice.
Well,anyway,political debate's ain't my forte' but, I hope to continue,at least,to read what's said here and maybe "pipe in" when I see something interesting!
If we don't converse again soon let me now wish you much success during this fall's hunting season's.
Patrick, no problem we argue here for fun and you have to be able take it if you're going to dish it out.

I hear you on the listening to lefties whine , they're as good at it as the righties. fact is whining is about all we can do other than vote and niether do much good. I like you am not thrilled even a little with either party, I'll vote for whom ever I dislike the least.

I drink and post too I'll admit it, and good luck to you this fall also.

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