Bears in Clark, Wyoming


Very Active Member
I have made mention in the last few years of a growing population of grizzly bears in the Clark, Wyoming area. About 3 weeks or so ago, I came close to making a large boar grizzly a hood ornament in the dark. He was just east of the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River just across from the Fish Hatchery. This was in flat country.

Last week a hunter from Michigan was attacked by a grizzly bear near the Catholic Church in Clark. This too was in farm country. I was told that the bear clawed him and the wound required some stitches to close it. Just a few days after that, another hunter was charged by a grizzly bear on the Beartooth Ranch off County Road 8UC. It is my understanding that the hunter shot at the bear and may have hit it. I have not read any newspaper reports on either incident.

I believe that doe season will continue in Clark until the end of November. You might want to be careful out there. The grizzly bears are not all in the mountains and may not be hibernating right now.

I heard today that the hunter who shot the bear on the Beartooth Ranch was bird hunting with a shotgun. I was told that he shot the bear in the face. After hearing that, I would be extra cautious in this area.

Thanks or the info MH. I will pass the info onto some people I know hunting in the area

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