Bear Repellant


Very Active Member
Took a trip to the Absaroka Bear Tooth area a while back and was told a story you guys may enjoy. The Forest Service Campground Host said that they had a German guy there in the campground that bought some bear repellant. He wanted to protect himself from the bears so he stripped down to shorts and sprayed himself with the bear spray. He began screaming and ran down to the lake and jumped in. The host said they had to call in the paramedics and haul him off with burns on his body.

Speaking of bear spray. Talked to an outfitter this year in Wyoming who said he had a client who left a can of spray on the dash. When returning to the truck at the end of the day he found the truck interior covered in spray. Outfitter said the insurance company totaled the truck.

I found those two stories to be quite odd and hopefully funny. Anyone else hear of any bear spray stories.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I have found two cans of bear spray and one can holster in the bush, the holster was all chewed up but I never found the can or the person that may have been packing it. . .
Moral to story......

Always use protection while going into the bush...

Right on, Bucksnort.

Bear repellant works real well, except with wind....


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