Bear question


Long Time Member
What's the easiest way to get a dead bear out of the woods?

I've had many opportunities over the years to shoot bears but I've never pulled the trigger. I've always been deer hunting at the time, and never really had the desire.

This year my partner wants to shoot one if he gets the chance. He's never shot one either, but if he does and I'm with him, I told him I would help. Bear tags are OTC.

Deer are self explanitory. Grab an antler and start pulling.:)

How the heck do you drag a bear out? We don't have horses or quads.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
That would be my first choice. But I think he wants to get it out whole.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
We have done it several ways - but the best thing we have found is a stretcher, like an old military stretcher. We made one out of nylon straps ahead of time then just cut a couple saplings when needed for poles. We have also poled them out (tying legs to a log) but when you get a 400lb bear up and it starts swinging side to side it gets a little tough. It also helps to have 4 guys, 2 guys can do it if your not in a hurry. What ever you do, as tempting as it may seem don't drag by the back legs. Actually if you tried it you would see what I mean pretty quickly.
Question. What is the reason for taking the bear out whole?

Wouldn't it be easier to skin out?

Because I heard that the meat isn't very good. Just curious.

Joe E Sikora
I've always heard bear meat was horrible and greasy. I've killed 5 and they all tasted just fine...trimmed them a lot and ate the first two with a great deal of trepidation (expected the worse) but they were good.

I skinned them all and boned the meat. A horse carried one of them, a llama carried one of them and WE carried the other two. Those wet hides and heads are HEAVY!!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Good question Joe. I guess to put it in his truck and show his friends and family, since it would be his first one.

If he gets one and it looks like too much hassle, I'll tell him, "I'll pack the rifles and tidy up camp, you pack the bear."


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Damn! Eel, you learn very fast. The work should go to the one that gets the glory for the kill.

I really like bear meat. You can show a bear off just as well by laying the rug out. Skin it and pack it. Unless you've got real easy terrain. I've tried getting a whole bear out with 2 guys and won't do that again. Just take a whole lot of photos before you start skinning and cutting.
Are you guys eating dump bears or what. Black bear meat is very tasty. But just like any other meat, you have to take care of it quickly, get the hide off and let it cool asap, trim all fat, etc. I made a bear roast for dinner one night and didn't tell my wife what it was, she assumed beef. And she said it was the best roast she had ever had. Let me tell you, she is about as picky about game as anyone I've ever known. She to this day loves bear meat, even when she knows it's coming. As far as getting it out of the woods, if I had over 1/2 mile it would come out in pieces. But skinning is so much easier when it's hanging.
Eel Best advice is shoot him above the road! Kick him in the guts and he will land in the logging road down the hill! Better yet I think I know the country you are in and I would just drive the logging roads until I found one IN the road.

This is the way I do it.
Eel I would just skin the entire bear and then quarter the meat. Thats the easiest way I have found. Have also gutted one and tied it to a pole and carried it with a buddy. Not the best choice I made.
Thanks everyone for your input. My personal feeling now is that if we're going to shoot one, we owe it to ourselves and the bear meat, to skin it and cut it up ASAP, and pack it out that way. Good field photos will have to do! Sorry, partner!:)

I've only eaten bear meat one time and didn't care for it. That's mostly why I've never killed a bear. We should do the best we can to insure the best care of the meat!

You guys are great! I appriciate your experience and wisdom.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
If you want to practice, get one of your biggest friends and have him lay in your driveway, pretend he's dead and then you and your hunter try to load him in the back of your truck......without cutting him up.

You'll probably want to skip carrying him, even a couple of hundred yards.

A fresh bear hide and skull will be heavier than most deer killed in your area.

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