Bear Poaching Movie. Not a video to watch, just a ?



Hey all, I need your help. I am an Agriculture and Natural Resources teacher here in Oregon. I am currently teaching a Fish adn Wildlife class this term, and we are currently talking about poaching and its effects on our wildlife resources. I was discussing the reasons that people poach wildlife and mentioned the gall bladder trade that is responsible for a large portion of bear poaching. Some of the kids couldn't believe that people would shoot bears mearly for their gall bladders. Anyway, I mentioned that several years ago, ten or more probably, a move was made about a bear poacher who was trading gall bladders on the black market and the female FBI agent that eventually tracked him down and killed him. For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the movie though. I don't want to show it in class or anything like that, but now I can't seem to think of anything else. I have spent quite a bit of time online trying to find it, and am kind of obsessing over it now. I just need to remember the name of it. Can anyone help me? If was a pretty good action flick at the time, and I thought that maybe a few of my hunting compadres could help me out on this one. Thanks.

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