Bear mauling

Well good, their attorneys just made 1 million give or take, the family gets 900 grand give or take, Joe Public just won more draconian restrictions on federal land use in the future, and the sad story that brought us to this point still happened.
Could lead to certain roads, campgrounds, and sections of NF land being
closed to the public. That would truly be a tragedy if it were to happen as
a consequence of this legal decision. Will see how the Feds respond.

Not sure I heard of this mauling.
Would one of you guys elaboate.
where, when, etc..

A family from Utah went tent camping in a well known, well marked bear sighting area and their son was killed during the night by a black bear. I believe this was about 7 years ago. They just finished their lawsuit against several state entities.
Its nice to know we have discovered yet another way to profit from wildlife.....even at such costs.
I'm literally sick about this.
We just set the stage for every future bear attack in the united states.
Slightly before that boy was killed, I was attacked by a black bear. I shot and killed it; it died at about 12 feet.

IF I had let it actually bite me first, would I have been able to get rich?!

The bear attack is real.......the rest is CRAP! It's too bad they lost a son (I lost a son,'s a horrible thing.) but to collect money from the state, seems remarkably like selling their son. Tough to justify!

Not to mention, them mooching from the rest of us.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
The dumb a$$ judge ruled the parents as only 10% at fault for leaving food out in their camp during the night.
Apparently this judge isn't an outdoor enthusiast!
Anybody remember when I got hooked by the Lion?

Well,I got the Scar to prove it!

I'm Sueing the USFS!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>Anybody remember when I got hooked
>by the Lion?
>Well,I got the Scar to prove
>I'm Sueing the USFS!:D
>For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids
>on this Site,Some of them
>are 65 years Old!:D
>I don't care if they're big
>or small!
>If they throw lead I like
>em all!

One call, that's all! You could be a bajillionaire!
"Some Day I'm gonna Be Famous"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
As I mentioned to Slammy earlier, if they were only 10% responsible, then I say they should do 10% of a child endangerment/ accidental death charge....

I would like to know how this trial actually went? Well marked bear area, tent, food everywhere, seems like it leaves the door open for people to sue the state or government for hitting a deer on the highway. Both situations people are being careless.

I guess I had it wrong in my mind. I always thought being carefull and smart would help me try to get ahead.. Guess being dumb and careless is a better way to go?

LAST EDITED ON May-04-11 AT 06:21AM (MST)[p]I sprained my ankle hunting deer last year so Ill just sue for 100k for pain. There were no signs telling me of the dangerous rocks on the Blm so I need it for pain and suffering because Im too stupid to have known better.

Can anyone tell me the difference in that logic???? WAFJ!!!!!!!!

Get ready for federal land to get locked the hell up even more.
I didnt kill a 200" buck on nat forest last year think I can sue for pain and suffering?
60 years ago, while walking thru a NF, I stepped on a yellowjacket nest and got stung 50-60 times, WTF why didn't the FS have that nest marked. Is it too late to sue?? Probably not in the 9th circuit.

from the "Heartland of wyoming"
You guys act suprised.

Judges are lawyers and help other lawyers. Senators and Congressmen are lawyers....and help other lawyers.

Whatever law school grads do in our society should suprise no one over the age of 11.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
How much of 1911 pulls me over ask me to step out of my
Truck and I twist my ankle???


>You guys act suprised.
>Judges are lawyers and help other
>lawyers. Senators and Congressmen are
>lawyers....and help other lawyers.
> Whatever law school grads do
>in our society should suprise
>no one over the age
>of 11.
> "whackin' a surly bartender ain't
>much of a crime"



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-11 AT 01:45AM (MST)[p]"You guys act suprised.

Judges are lawyers and help other
lawyers. Senators and Congressmen are
lawyers....and help other lawyers.

Whatever law school grads do
in our society should suprise
no one over the age
of 11."

WAY oversimplified there, Nick...yer fergettin Cliques, Cat-Spats, Personal Agendas, Bedmates and Interbreeding (or is it just plain INbreeding?), General Cutthroats and Backstabbers, etcetra...from ALL sides of the Shining and Holographic Golden Juris Coin

And it obviously continues a good bit further up the ladder than the piss-ant examples you list

but such Revelations might shatter the bi-partisan 'docility' out in the pasture, so I'll stop now... :)

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