Bear Hair in Wolf Crap???


Active Member
My Brother and his other hunting partners have been trying to run their dogs here in southwest Idaho been finding very few bears the last two years shortly after the wolves moved in thicker now this year on three different occasions we have came across wolf crap with bear hair in it. Anyone else noticeing this? Also came across a bioligist trying to track collared bears and he also is thinking wolves are to blame do to checking up on a collared bear this winter in its den he discovered that just a few days before wolves entered the den killed and partially ate the collared bear. Just curious if anyone else has noticed something is up?
Yeah this year I was whitetail hunting and found bear hair in some wolf poop and tracks. That was my first time hunting there and I can say I did not see a single bear.
I've heard this also. Outfitter says they wolves are digging the bears out of thier dens when they are hibernating.
Dang, that's kinda disturbing to know. I am not a huge bear hunter, but ripping them out of there dens is pretty ruthless. That's wolves for ya though. I know some grizz are known to do that. I figured a few bears had run ins with wolves every now and then, and possibly a few killed. Could you imagine what that bear is thinking about when he/she is in its nice slumber for the winter and a pack of dogs starts tearing you apart and you are so out of it (sleeping) you don't even know whats going on till your half eaten. Is there anything these overgrown coyotes don't do? That's too bad to hear how often its seems to be happening. Carry a dog tag again with ya this year, if we have the opportunity still. Good luck this season guy/gals.

Just got done talking to my buddy in Salmon. He sets out a couple bear baits every spring and says that he hasn't seen any cubs in the past two years. He talked to the local retired biologist and was told that the wolves were a growing problem with the bears and that problem has been kept real low profile by both the state and feds.
Brutal, merciless, killing machines. That's what they wanted! No elk, no hunters, no money......
>Brutal, merciless, killing machines. That's
>what they wanted! No
>elk, no hunters, no money......

well said

success beyond their wildest dreams....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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