Bear found a buddy!



Picture from Durango herald, taken northeast of Durango.

Could've used a caption. How about:

"Is that you dad?"

"Hey, I've heard of wooden Indians, but..."

"Nope, this one ain't in heat either."

"Can you come out and play?" (Looks like a young bear.)

"That's gotta be the worst taxidermy job I've ever seen!"

Any others??
"Looks like a bear, stands like a bear, but smells like A RUBBING TREE??"

"Excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon"

"What the ????...this is my deck"
"Pssst, Hey buddy, they are gonna know who ate the skier if you don't get rid of the evidence."
hhhhhmmmmmmm............she looked good from afar..but now...she is FAR from good.

Good one Canoe, I was thinking "Hey buddy, those are my skis your holdin!"

Bowgirl, that far from good thang ain't a problem up there in your neck of the woods is it?! lol

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