Bear Down!



LAST EDITED ON May-09-14 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]I didn't get the large bear I posted pictures of the other day but I am happy to have filled my tag. Those of you who have bear hunted know it costs a ton of money making trip after trip and re baiting sites, gas food etc. The bore I harvested weighed approximately 270 pounds. Here's the story. Wednesday I headed back to bear camp with my dad with high hopes of harvesting the large bore that had been visiting my bait daily. We arrived at camp just after 1:00 PM on 5/7. Before we unloaded anything we ran to check the station that had the large bore hitting it. When we got to the station here is what we saw on the camera.



The large bore was there only a few hours ago and stayed for nearly two hours. The station was nearly cleaned out. We quickly hiked out and loaded up more bait. We returned and stalked it full of fresh bait. My dad and I returned to the station around 4:00 PM and climbed into the stands. A few hours went by and just after 8:00 my dad saw movement on the hill to our left. We could see nearly 150 yards on that particular hill. Guess who appeared out of nowhere.... the large bore! I slowly picked up my bow in hopes he would soon start making his way down the hill to the station. Well 45 minutes passed and that dang bear was just sitting like a dog starring down at the bait. By then shooting light was nearly over. We assumed 1 of 2 things. He knew he were there or he was waiting until dark to come in. We slowly exited the stands and hiked the gruesome distance back to camp..... 10 min :) 4:30 AM soon arrived and we were at the station by 5:20. As it lightened up the station had clearly been hit again. Logs and rocks were tossed everywhere that were covering the bait. We sat until 10:00 AM and nothing. I quickly walked over to the camera and downloaded the pictures to my camera. He is what we saw.



Different bear... ( My bear )

He came in just a little over an hour after we left. That night We decide to get back in the stands at 3:00 PM. We sit for a couple of hours and at 5:45 PM here comes the large bore down the drainage headed right for us. My heart was pounding. It looked like a grizzly coming right at us. Here he comes.... all of a sudden just before he pops out into a clearing before the bait he stops. I feel the wind shift and a breeze on my neck. I see the bore start sniffing the air. All of a sudden he busts and off he went. I don't think you can beat a bears nose. We were scented down as much as we could have been. I was discouraged now thinking this bear was going to turn nocturnal for good or not come back at all. I have human scent all over that station to get them used to smelling it before they come in. T-shirts in the trees etc. We decided to wait it out until dark in hopes he was hungry enough to come back and hoping the wind would change. An hour and a half later in the same drainage I see movement. Bear! I said to my dad he's coming back get the camera ready. As he got closer and closer and realized this was clearly not the large bore. This bear was smaller but I could tell it was a bore. I decided to shoot this bear in fear I wasn't going to get another chance at a bear and i wasn't going home empty. The bear cautiously crept into the bait. He sat down like a dog head on and looked around. I could see him sniffing the air and I was worried he was going to bust us too. He turned and starting licking some grease I put on the logs. I go to draw and he looks up at me....... He goes back to licking and I go to draw for a second time. He looks at me again... He slowly turned and began to leave. he took a few steps and stops broad side and looks back in my direction. I was at full draw by this point and let the arrow fly! It sounded like I hit a tree and the bear took off up the drainage. He made it 30 yards and tumbled. Thanks to everyone who helped on this hunt. It was a lot of work and time spent away from family. It's not the bear I was after but It will make a nice rug. Hopefully my brother can get the large bore with his tag. Enjoy the pics!



Hey Trooper,
You've got to finish the story BEFORE you hit the post button!
Now for the rest of the story......
Very nice! Sounds like you had a good hunt, and killed a pretty one. That big boy that got a way is a total stud of a bear. I hope your brother gets a shot at him.
Great story and photos. He may not be the big boy, but he sure has a pretty brown phase colored coat and is going to make a fine rug. Congratulations!

Good job D! Your hard work and persistence has paid off with a great trophy. Now lets hope Jeran can smoke that big old boy!

Fine story and excellent trophy!
He's got a beauty of a cape and will make a fine mount.
Well done Trooper and thanks for sharing with your MM brothers.

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