12 seed...I think they've got a shot, stranger things have definitely happened. And their region has already been upset crazy, so why not one more?

They're gonna have to play a great game...
Well i'd like to hope so anyway. I played football there back when Mckale Center was a fairly new building. As jocks, we all got free tickets to the home basketball games and that place would flat rock!!

Then back when Bibby was there, they beat one great team after another to win it all. I got to follow those wins each and every one, up against a supposedly better teams...Lots of fun!

I really don't follow the old college team that close anymore but i'll be pulling for ARIZONA today...Bear Down Wildcats!!

I usually cheer for the underdog but not this year. Headed to Detroit to the Final 4 and hoping the top seeds keep rolling. I think the Cats have just as good a chance at this point in winning it all. Been one of those years when the top teams just seem to find a way to lose once in a while. Nobody wants to be #1 this year. I think Louisville is very vulnerable mainly becuase they don't shoot free throws well. I am cheering for the Heels, Sooners, Jayhawks and Cardinals tonight.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-09 AT 05:58PM (MST)[p]I hope Louisville just totally embarrases UofA since the Cat's should be embarrased to be in the dance at all. They should have been in the junior league NIT.

What a joke at 19-13 making it in and against two woos teams in the Mid-west bracket to start with. Utah - who had not faced a tough team all year and Cleveland State. Whooo, I'm impressed. Talk about living on yesterday, UofA is a prime example of the selection committee's total bias when choosing teams.

True, I can't stand Tucson or the UofA and enjoy each and every one of their losses, but I can't stand unjust decisions worse. In Louisville UofA finally face an a quality team and at last check the score was 43-27 Louisville. Yea, I guess UofA is one of the top 48 teams in college ball. Heck, they couldn't even beat their rival Arizona State in three tries this year and they still made it to the dance. What a joke.
No class there bud, no class at all! You want cheese with that wine? :)

Arizona did beat 2 other seeded teams to get here. Yes they're getting beat buy a overall #1 but no embarrassment in that. As for who made the dance at all, maybe you can fix it next year.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-09 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]Sage

I'll take my lumps and no class may be the case (did pour it on kinda strong there), but most would agree that UofA was only invited to keep their 25+ (?) year streak alive and because Lute had to step down. (by the way, I really don't like UofA, but I was sorry to hear Lute had to retire due to health reasons. Been better if he could have gone out on his terms)

Anyway, if the committee was going to put them in as a courtesy pick, the Cat's should have received a 16 seed in the east, not a 12 seed in the mid-west. I will resist comment on the outcome of the game tonight.

Sorry if I offended, but I generally call it like I see it without the sugar sometimes. Been in trouble more than once over that. Oh and have you guessed that I am an ASU alum?
ASU alumni?? No wonder you hate UofA :)

Fair enough, no harm no foul. You did have me back on my heels there for a bit. I like to call em like i see em too.

If UofA had been whupped right out of the box I would be inclined to agree with 264X300- but they showed they belonged so I congratulate them on a great run.(BTW I went to U of TX-Duke put us out in 2nd round.)

You have to admit the selection committee is pretty amazing when you see how close their seedings match the teams' performance most of the time. This year is a stellar example,with the tourney playing out real close to the seedings..

I love March Madness!

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