BeanMan ?!?!?!..


Very Active Member

Where the Hell'you'at ???

Aint like you to be scarce at
Christmas time.....

enough to worry an old'boy...??

I need confirmation that you are
Alive...and ..Kick'n..


My computer crashed and then I went to Albequerque for Christmas with the in laws. I'm at the library in Palisade now getting my puter fix.

Two days ago I filled my late season cow tag in unit 22 with a nice yearling. One shot 405 yards. She ought to eat real nice. I also picked up my new tikka rifle today. to top it all off I've got a real nasty sinus infection and started antibiotics this morning. Hope I kicks in soon cause it sucks. The Broncos sucked worse though.



That's a long way shoot'n a big critter
like an Elk.

I want to hear this story son.

I want INFO on the Tikka rifle.

I may want one in a Larger caliber than
what you acquired.

Holler at me.

Hey Neighbor!

*waving at you from Utah*

Hope your abs kick in soon and you're feeling great and out shootin' yotes in no time. Enjoy the new rifle!

Jenn, Thanks, I'm still feeling pretty low this morning. Kind of like having a fish bowl stuck on your head. Everthing echoes and info comes in slow and is slow to process...


I'll post some pictures of the elk. My pard and I both got one out of the same group. The Ranch manager sent his Peruvian hands out to help us drag them to the road and through a steep gulley. Feeling as crummy as I did then it would have sucked to have had to quarter and pack them. It was well worth what we paid those three Peruvians to get them out and loaded. I can't seem to access MM from home and I'm confused about that since I can access all other sites...

Still haven't shot the new Tikka .223 since I feel like crap. But the old tikka, in 3006, nocked down that cow with one shot at ranged 405 yards from a sitting position with shooting sticks. A very accurate rifle.

Hey BeanMan, I got a question for you. I know you are a Premier grower of Pintos but thought maybe you could help to er, help me out;

I love a big pot of small white beans with ham, hamhocks, and lots of veggies. Problem, i almost feel like i will explode if not for the continous, constant, and... well you know what i mean. Is there a way to prepare them so they will effect me less, hopefully much less. It's embarissing to be in public in that condition!! Thanks!


Sorry for the late reply. I've been home sick for quite a while and I can't access MM from home for some reason.

I'm assuming you are starting with beans that are not in a can, it won't work if they are already canned.

The complex starches that cause flatulence are water soluble. If you put your beans in a pot and bring it to a rolling boil for about 30 minutes some of the starches will be released into the water. Drain the water of and start over with fresh water. That may help some and buy a product called "beano" at your grocery store and have a few drops of it with your meal. The combination helps a lot of people. Me, I kind of like to fart.


I'm with ya Bean, to me sometimes there is nothing better than sitting in my favorite chair, in the reclining position and just letting go. The nice deep rumblers are my favorite.
Thanks BeanMan, I'm going to try at least the drain off on the next pot. Don't get me wrong guys, i don't mind tooting away while alone at home. Being a service plumber though, i'm in other peoples homes alot and that gas gotta get out. I don't remember ever being as affected as this last pot. LOl

LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-09 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]I cant believe BESS has not congratulated you on filling the cow tag:) HEHEHE

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