BeanMan Downunder


Long Time Member

We have spent the first week on the North Island of New Zealand and are heading for Australia today. We visited old friends in the Bay of Plenty Area. Spent a lot of time on the beach bodysurfing in perfect waves and eating too much.

The best thing we have done so far is called 'Canyoning' which is a guided adventure. Firt, we hiked up a 400 Meter steep trail, then donned wetsuits, helmets, and rappelling harnesses. What followed was an incredible thrill and probably couldn't be done in the states for insurance reasons. We made several 200 foot rappelles down a set of vertical and near vertical waterfalls with the water pouring down on us. In several places you have the option of jumping into the pools below the falls instead of rappelling. It was a mixed group of Aussies and Kiwis with my Wife and I being the only Americans. We were also older by far than the rest of the group. The biggest jump was 25 meters and I had to jump it to show those youngsters I would since they were too chicken, especially after one of the young Kiwis jokeingly said the Yank was too bloody old to jump. nIt was a full day adventure. What a rush.

Great Fun, Great Beer, Great Country,

Sounds like an absolute kick in the butt. I've always wanted to visit New Zealand and Australia. How's the Fosters?
Have a good time!

Way to go Bean, glad you are enjoying yourself. Make sure you post some pictures for us here. Especially if you are ummmm, on hte beach and there happens to be girls in bikini's. Its January, we can at least live vicarioulsy through you cant we?

I would love to see some of their beeches....Pictures PLEASE!!!. Glad to hear your having a great time.. Did I hear BIKINI???
Awesome Fred!
Glad to hear your having a blast.
Watch out for the sharks. I hear they try to keep them away from the beaches with steel floating nets!
From what I hear also Fosters is the crap they export and keep the good stuff to themselves.
Export Fosters? The last bottle I "sampled" said it was brewed in Canada. Now, about those pics. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Sounds like you're having a great time beaner! Hope you have a great rest of the trip in somewhere warmer than here!

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