Bean Man ??????

>Why are you mad at me

Maybe when you told everyone to go copulate themselves Beanman took offense.
Overton, I don't think I've ever
told you to go copulate yourself,
but if I did, I'm sorry.

Other than that...if you have some issue
with me, stay the F out of my posts.

>Overton, I don't think I've ever
>told you to go copulate yourself,
>but if I did, I'm sorry.
>Other than that...if you have some
>with me, stay the F out
>of my posts.

Same thing doubled what you said to JB and I 3 weeks ago ##### head.
I just found Beanman's email addy,
I'll go from there. take yourself way to serious.

...I dont.

>I just found Beanman's email addy,
>I'll go from there.
> take yourself way to serious.
>...I dont.

OK, then I'm Totally confused...

I told Jef to go ##### himself a few weeks
ago, just on a joke deal.

I'm TOTALLY missing the point....

If I ##### up, tell me, and I'll take
response for it....

but I don't see what's up ??

larry ????
>OK, then I'm Totally confused...
>I told Jef to go #####
>himself a few weeks
>ago, just on a joke deal.
>I'm TOTALLY missing the point....
>If I ##### up, tell me,
>and I'll take
>response for it....
>but I don't see what's up
>larry ????

Good Gawd Larry I'm just messing with you LOL
I realize there could be multiple "candidates"...but this might be the goofiest thread I've seen!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
>I realize there could be multiple
>"candidates"...but this might be the
>goofiest thread I've seen!
>Within the shadows, go quietly.

>>I realize there could be multiple
>>"candidates"...but this might be the
>>goofiest thread I've seen!
>>Within the shadows, go quietly.

Can't we all just kiss and make up?
Will everyone just settle down and have a shot of OLD CROW?

That was about a minute of my life that will be missed down the road. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

I ain't mad at you, now way, no how. I've got a new email address that I'll PM you. The computer melted down and I lost just about everything as far as contacts go on it.

We never made it to Texas this winter like we had planned. It never looked like we would get much warmer heading that way so we didn't.

Heading out to Utah for a week of camping and bike riding here in a few minutes, good thing I saw the post, it would have been at least 8 days before the Wife and The Spark were back in contact.


Kilo it took me about three pulls off the ol' turkey bottle to get through this crap.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-


Good to hear from you.
you'old fart....

You're the only one that will
take up for me anymore.

This thing has gotten WEIRD...

got the one's that run it acting
weird now...

I'll holler at you.

Hey now Slick, you better watch it,or you'll have 2 redheads mad at you.

And everyone knows out of the 2 of us your the DRAMA Queen.;)LOL

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