Be Glad Its Not Your Kid



I just got this in an email. It made me laugh so i thought you guys might want to see it.

The email reads. I will never complain about my kids again.
















Anyone care to guess which one is hunt_rez??
It's not my kid, actually pic 3 is me, it was a good idea at the time. I thought it would be better than buying new camo every year.
BTW anybody want to go huntin?

Life member of: NRA
Hope none of those fools work with any machinery. That could be ugly, though probably a cosmetic enhancement if it got stuck in moving parts.

Support the United Foundation for the Liberation of D13er.
When growing up they didn't get enough attention from Mom and Dad. Now they all are protesters of logging the Amazon Rain Forest and definitely in the Environmental Spotlight.
Now wouldn't that make you a proud parent to have to claim one of those freaks!
Pure insanity....too many left handed cigarettes!!!
My gosh. At some point you know these freaks will wake up one morning and think, "what have I done"?

What they should be showing are all the infections and rot that stems from some of that.
Feleno that is sick! Looks painful

I wonder what is going to happen when these people get old the nursing home has to remove the prince albert to install a catheter?
Guess the score.
Or better yet, guess if any of these guys will ever score.............
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-09 AT 05:00PM (MST)[p]As a person that would be considered heavily tattooed, I can understand what they are thinking. Its self expression, and yes these guys have taken it to the extreme, but they may be fine upstanding people that are judged by the cover, and not the content of the book.

ah, who am i trying to kid-------FREAKS!!!!!!

The only good thing I can think of about your kid having big rings attached to their bodies is you would have something to hang on to while you kicked their a$$..
WTF!! If any of my kids came home like that I would send to work with my sister in law for a complimentary MRI
Good Luck and Great Memories
the bad thing is that for most of them there parents prohably sat back in the beginning and lied to them selves and said"it is just a faze"
+1 And I agree treedagain. There is a point when parents have to step in and draw the line. I know kids have to go through phases and you have to let them grow but... Parents also have to enforce boundries because they will have to learn them sooner or later. Life is hard enough without doing something to yourself that separates you from the rest of society.

As an perspective employer would you hire someone that looks like one of those pictured? I would have a hard time hiring one of them especially if they had to work with the public.

>"If it moves shoot it again"

You'll notice in that pic that Tag is now forced to wear long sleeves and pants to cover up his ink work. :)

That is just sad, Glad my kids are pretty much grown up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I would think they could get work at "Bounty Hunter", or "Whites", or some other metal detector place.

They could bury them out back under 2 feet of dog crap, then try to find them with the detector. If they don't find them.....oh well.

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