BCS Mess



LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-08 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]What do you guys think?

Alabama undefeated no doubt #1.

I like teams that play defense. Florida and USC are the 2 best teams in my opinion, both play defense and both have had close losses. I think either team would shut down or at least contain Oklahoma and or Texas in a BCS Bowl game.

There is no way Oklahoma should be voted ahead of Texas. Texas beat Oklahoma and should have beat Texas Tech. Texas is a dropped interception away from being undefeated.

After Florida beats Alabama the polls might read like this.

1. Florida
2. Texas
3. Oklahoma
4. USC
5. Penn St./Alabama/Texas Tech/Utah/

One persons opinion.....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-08 AT 10:17AM (MST)[p]You might be real close. Next weekend will tell the tale. The conference playoffs will come into play also, the Big 12 is a mess, three way tie in the south, and Missouri in the north! Any of the three can or will beat missouri. But what if Missouri knocks who ever off from the south, and gives them another loss??? It is a mess, I don't like conference championships, the win loss should decide! Then a playoff of some kind. But what I like most about college football, on any given day, anyone can beat anyone! :)
After seeing OU completely dismantle Texas Tech, i have no problem seeing them in the Championship game. TCU should be proud of only letting them score 35 after that game.
Amen Huck! Any given day! Texas Tech was "up" for Texas. I tutor one of their defensive lineman and they were pretty disgusted with they way they played. They watched the tape and felt like they let themselves down by not coming out of the gates blazing in that game. The definitely feel that the outcome would have been greatly different on another night! I also think Texas may have been "up" for Oklahoma - at any rate it has made for one heck of a roller coaster season! That's why I love college football!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
USC is # 2 in the PAC 10
Not in the Nation.
They are not even going to win their LOUSY conferance.
Pretty bad when the MWC champ beat the PAC 10 Champ.
+1 bragbit, the pac-10 is a mediocre conference this year, and I'd say the mountain west is above the average this year. I don't know why Utah didn't jump USC after the way they handled BYU. Just my thought. Oklahoma Texas, Texas Tech, Bama and Florida are all looking tough!

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