BC mount. Caribou hunts???

  • Thread starter bittersweetmuleymeat
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Looking for good first hand references on Mountain Caribou in British Columbia for this coming fall 4 to 8 grand, archery. Any info or contacts would be great. Thanks.

For Mtn. Caribou i would go for the Yukon, their 'bou get quite a bit bigger than BC. I worked up there in Shockey's outfit and he does have some good caribou in there! Im not sure what the asking price of that hunt is though. Another option may be Liard river adventures (www.huntlra.com), theyre in BC but they do take decent bulls but not as big as the Yk Caribou. My brother guides for LRA.
Cant find a link to Shockleys Outfit, is it in the Yukon where your brother works?

First off, I have not hunted with Brian, but have researched his hunts extensively (anyway, something to look into). I would love to hunt with him sometime, but it will be another couple years. Goats and 'bou combo is still my wet dream. Check him out and hopefully someone else will validate what I have heard.
Best of luck and hope to hear how it turns out.
I hunted with Brian this year for Sheep and Goat. They did shoot some pretty nice Caribou but I didn't see one I would shoot.

He has a good operation for sure and I would recommend him.

I will third the Brian Martin outfit. I know Brian personally, although I haven't hunted with him I have been on a scouting trip with him and you would be hard pressed to find a better guy to hunt with. He is an absolute stickler for details and has an incredible hunting drive. I know his area has some good caribou in it as well. I don't think you can go wrong with him. He is as hardcore as hardcore gets when it comes to hunting.
Peter Koser has some super mtn. caribou has so much ground he only goes back to a area about every 5 years.Saw one there that a german hunter had killed that would have been world record but didnt care to have it scored.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-07 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]Correction, Peters area isnt in the southern Yukon, it is along the Eastern Border of the Yk/NWT about midway up. I have ridden horses through some of his country and passed some of his camps (The one near Keele Peak). When riding through his territory i did see some very nice caribou and some nice moose as well! If you do go with him you are going to see some very nice country and some nice game!

Forgot to mention that the highlight of my guide season came when i was trailing out through Peters area at the end of Sept. We were riding up a narrow long valley and encountered a small heard of caribou with one average bull and one monster old bull that had to be over 50" wide! The second that the avg bull got too close to the cows the big old bastard went charging in and kicked the crap out of this other caribou. All of this happened 50-100 yards of where i was! Definetely one of the awesomest things i have ever seen in the wild!
Don't overlook Kawdy, Bradfords and Upper Stikine River Adventures. They all take some nice bulls but not sure about specializing in archery though. Those Lancaster boys sure know how to hunt and have a great time at the same time.

Here's pic of a DIY bull taken in 2003 in one of those areas mentioned.


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