BC California Bighorn



LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-09 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]I finally drew a LEH for a Cali in BC.
The hunt was along the breaks of the Fraser River in British Columbia. The day before the season I spotted 74 sheep with only threee rams and no shooters. The next couple of days I saw 20 or so ewes and one potential shooter at dusk, but he was ~ a mile away and walking the other direction. I concentrated on an area close to camp with lots of sign but no visible sheep. After returning from town mid afternoon, I set out to the only spot around camp not expecting to see anything. As I crossed the saddle outside camp, I was pleased to see 7 sheep with a ram amongst them. I spent ~ 45 mins getting close enough to ensure he was legal but couldn't shot as the ewes kept him circled. When they started to move towards the river, I made my move over countless ridgebacks hoping to see him over the next one. At one point I saw his horns pop up through the sagebrush and had a good idea of his route. I dropped down in elevation and made a move to intercept him. Just before the last break where I thought I would see him, a ewe and lamb pinned me. I dropped down and quickily got up thinking screw it I gotta go now or he will be gone. I ran over the last ridgeback sending the ewe and lamb on the run. As I crossed the ridgeback, 50 or so yards in front of me was the ram and the ewes, he quickily ran out of site, but popped into view after the next dip, paused long enough and I dropped him with one shot through my 300 Win Mag 150 grain Core-Lokt. I'm glad I was able to share this with my father who has been unsuccesful in tagging a sheep after many years of trying.

If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?
>Congrats to you on the nice
>Ram and for posting too.
> Has your dad gave
>up trying to draw a

Sheep draw odds range from 40:1 up to 700:1 with no enhanced odds, every year everybody has the same odds regardless of previous success (which is fine by me....now)
If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

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