Basinites-Thank You


Very Active Member
I attended the funeral today for BIA Officer Yazzie, and I just wanted to say thanks for the overwhelming support and kind words. I witnessed the heart and spirit of the Ute Nation, and the cross-cultural current in which all the officers serve in the Uintah Basin. It was powerful and moving.

Thank you for sharing it with the blue line.

Woulda been nice if you'd of said you were comming out?
I stopped at the Cafe for a late lunch & several cops/BIA were in eating,but I didn't see you Preddy?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey Chris- I was thinking of both you and Triple, but not only was I pretty much a wreck after having driven out on one hour of sleep, but I had to come back to work.

But I did think of you guys! I'll be out a few more times over the summer, happier times when I'd be in more of a visitin' frame of mind.


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