Basic Instincts


Long Time Member
What do your insticts say about this photo?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]Instinct says they had to slide her forward before she stood up.


Post Script: Tried to find a ugly photo of Sharon.... didn't happen.... Boing!!!!!

"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-11 AT 07:10PM (MST)[p]Wouldn't trade what puts up with me for that thing or anything it represents.

No offense intended, I'm sure she's a kind and gentle soul, she's just not understood!

My basic instinks tell me that she thinks that she's really some hot $hit.

My experience tell me that a man should run, not walk, away from that as soon and fast as they can.

I'm way sexier than she'll ever be. My wife tells me this so it has to be true... but, I still wouldn't kick her outta bed for eatin' crackers, probaby by her a box if that's all it was gonna take.
Tailchasers, Do you like chicks with Balls?? I don't!! How much clearer would you like me to make myself. Maybe we need to get together and talk about it??

I wonder if any movie scene in history has been paused as much as that one? The old VCRs made paused scenes fuzzy....or did they?

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