
LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-10 AT 09:38AM (MST)[p]Love the postseason! One of the best times of the year. Brings back memories of coming home from school and watching ball games on in the middle of the afternoon killing the time until dad came home and we would run up on the mountain for the evening elk hunt. Listening to a Saturday afternoon game on the radio (going back and forth between the ALDS and the BYU game) while we waited for the evening hunt to roll around.

Then - the World Series would always take place during deer season - the talk around the campfire would be the "pool" that everybody paid in to and who would win it. We would stay up until what seemed like way late listening to a game on a cracking radio, until grandma got a big antenna in her motor home and we could get fuzzy T.V. reception - but she wouldn't let us watch it until the dutch oven was cleaned out and the supper dishes were done! Man - there was always some great food and good ball games.

Lots of great memories! - "Wild Thing" Mitch Williams giving up that homer to Joe Carter - made me jaw drop in unbelief! I had never felt the utter pang of loss as I did at that moment as my Phillies went down in flames so quickly. Still can't believe it to this day! Gibson going deep off of Eckersley, then again in the Series off of Goose Gossage - whey did they pitch to him???

Then who can forget the 2001 Series - the D-Backs go up 2 games off of Johnson and Schilling - then the Yankees came storming back and took the middle 3 and Jeter became "Mr. November" - winning game 4 in the 10th with the first ever November home run - a walk-off to boot. That feat was only to be bested by The Big Unit and Schilling in game 7 - what a pitching duel that was! Schilling and the Rocket head to head for 7 2/3 - then in comes Randy to shut them down and finally when Gonzo popped that Texas leaguer over their heads, Mo Rivera hung his head and the whole western world went wild! Absolutely glorious!

My predictions this year:

ALDS - Rangers over Rays in 5; Yankees over Twins in 4.
ALCS - Rangers over Yankees in 6.

NLDS - Giants over Braves in 5; Phillies over Reds in 6.
NLCS - Phillies over Giants in 7

WORLD SERIES: Phillies over Rangers in 6.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If the Giant's can score a few runs in the playoff's...I see them taking their first world series in 56 years.
Great memories Roy!

Being a Giants fan I'm going with larrbo's pick.

How about the 1989 World Series? Sure, Oakland swept SF, but we had them until the earthquake hit.:)
Same as Eel and in an interesting note Eel seems to be quite modest. Eel was on the 1883 Giants team. That was well after he shot his first buck. Congrats Eel!
And that my friends is what the Postseason is all about...

Beautiful gem by Halladay! Way to go Doc! I watched the first two innings w/o sound while on the elliptical - man he was dealing some nasty stuff! Didn't need the commentary to see that - one of the great baseball performances tonight!

So Eel - what was Ty Cobb really like??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
So, you really want to know when I was born, wise guys?:) The very day that the Cleveland Indians clinched their last World Series. Look it up!

Ty Cobb was mean. He spiked me sliding into second base once.

Being a fellow Ginats fan, I agree. When we were last in the WS, my son was born while Dusty Baker's son nearly got run over at the plate. I'm twice as excited because my wife is due at the end of Oct again this year!!!


I know it's post season baseball now!

I'm trying to watch the Giants/Braves game and the first flock of Aleutian Geese flew over. I had to run outside to watch and listen. Now it's flock after flock. I love that sound! It's been almost 7 months since they headed north. The cycle of life is well indeed! Take a listen.

I will be sitting in from of my TV at 4:36 this afternoon to cheer for my team the Giants. For refreshments I will have a bottle of Tums ready to go. Go Giant's.

PS: I caught a foul ball at the 1893 World Series that Eel played in.
Baseball playoffs and college football on the radio while in the, I love it. Nothing like a morning hunt, breakfast back at camp while listening to the game and killing time until the evening hunt.

2 weeks away until I take off to Idaho for elk. Can't wait...


The United States Supreme Court issued a ruling today that prisoners at Guant?namo Bay couldn't be shown Giant's games anymore.
Hey Roy, P.M. your phone number, I call ya next MLB season to help me place my bets in the mornin'. Jus joshin' ya, I'm a huge Rangers fan. I'm very proud of'em.[/img][/url]
Well Bates - I'll do this - I'll set up a 1-900 number with baseball handicapping and if you are one of the first 15 callers you will get a special rate - only $4.99 / minute with a $10 service fee per bet which drops $1 for every $1K you bet with my service - plus I will e-mail or text you my "Can't Miss College Football and NFL Picks of the Week"!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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