Barta Update Show


Long Time Member
I just watched the Tred Barta show and must say i was somewhat touched by the mans tremendous courage. I had recently Goggled him up to see if any progress had been made but found little in the way of current news. This timely show though, really brought home how all of us could be hit with something like this at any time.

At the end of the show, frustrated with living in the hospitals with little encouragement, his wife had brought him "home" to a large group of friends and supporters. Tred was at that time, still "paralyzed from the chest down." He seems the same ol Tred though, very optimistic and determined to be an inspiration to us all to use whatever we may have and be the best that we can be.

My hats off to Mr. Barta! He has a tough road ahead of him yet he is just the kind on Man to lock in the hubs and make the best of it!

This kind of thing can and does happen, its a lesson to us all. I am going through some pretty serious health stuff right now too and its good to see a guy like Tred push ahead and show how a man reacts to these circumstances. I liked him before but now I really respect him.
I do hope he gets his wish to club a seal someday, and I would like to be there with him.
It is terrible what happened to him and I wish him all the best. I can't imagine what he has been going through. My sympathy for him doesn't change the fact that I hated his television series and think he takes impossible shots by the dozens.
Yeah, I watched the show as well and thought what a tough minded guy he is. I liked when he was shooting his toy bow in the hospital room :) Good luck Tred!
Hillbilly said, " My sympathy for him doesn't change the fact that I hated his television series and think he takes impossible shots by the dozens."

I'm with you on that! If fact in the recent past, i have been known to post up reviews for comment on several of the most obsurd shows that he has had the balls to air. Last night, a re-run show had him gut shooting with a stone tipped arrow, a walking caribou at 10yds...

I believe only Tred can/could get away with showing such poor shot selection and being such an idiot at times while in the field. You can't hardly help but like the Man though. His positive attitude is infectious and his "stick to it" moto is legendary. I find myself now a fan as if a distant friend, hoping against hope that Tred's able to rise once again and finally become competent in the outdoor games he so loves.


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