Just wondering if any of you have shot Big Game with the Newer BARNES Tipped TSX Slugs?

I'm looking at maybe loading some up for my 375 RUM?

They only offer a 250 Grain Slug in a .375 Caliber,wondering if that might be a little on the light side for the 375 RUM?

I'd rather go with a 270 or 300 Grain Slug in the Tipped TSX but it doesn't look like they offer it?

The regular 'NON-TIPPED TSX' looks like it'd be easy to get dirt & Junk in the Tip,maybe I'm wrong?

I looked at BERGER Bullets,doesn't look like they are offering bullets for the big Calibers?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
you planning a horse hunt??

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]LOL!!!

(Laughin at CUPSY!)
I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

What kind of Damage did they do?

I wanna knock the Broadside out of the Animal!

If they don't/won't perform like a powerpoint I don't want them!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 03:38PM (MST)[p]never shot the ttsx.....but my 375 ruger shoots the 300's very good, 270's ok and 235's not good at all....and since I carry my ammo in some sort of container and not in the mud..dirty tips isn't an issue

That's what I was wantin to know CUPSY!

I posted in the LC last night & you mighta replied but I decided to go huntin!

So I mighta missed your info if you posted it?


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Actually, Barnes recommends you go a little lighter than you normally would. Faster lighter is their philosophy.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Does anybody know exactly what a Winchester POWERPOINT is?

And who would build a Slug in a 270 or 300 grain like it?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]HEY bessy. I have tons of experience with the tipped tsx in my 338's. That giraffe I took down in africa was shot with one 160 grain bullet at 200 yards. The giraffe went 50 yds and fell over grave yard dead. the giraffe bull had 2000 lbs of meat alone. He was huge. Terra shot her valles caldera bull with that load. Bull was about 6 years old and shot at 200 yards, bullet had a massive wound channel and everything was jellofied. That bullet is absolutely devastating on large animals. However that exact same bullet was used to put a neck shot on a young 6x6 muley buck near my house. I took in a shotgun with buck shot to the mesquite bushes 6 hours later to finish him off. The shot was right where I wanted it. However the deer wasn't large enough to open up the bullet and all it did was leave a pencil hole in and out with zero damage. The tipped tsx absolutely smashed all the kudu, oryx, wildebeast, and other animals I shot in africa but once you get to muledeer and smaller the bullet is an utter failure. What i really liked about the bullet was its ability to make large bore guns shoot sub half moa groups. That bullets bc sucks but the accuracy is one of the best of any bullet I've ever seen. Since its for your 375 I think you will be shooting bigger animals which means that 250 grain bullet will be flying faster and flatter and absolutely do more than you are hoping. Trust me I know you will love it. However those things aren't cheap and that keeps a lot of people away from them.

Hope this helps
Deer & Maybe(I said Just Maybe someday an Elk!)Elk!

I sure the Hell don't wanna drill a Pencil Hole like them Worthless CoreLokts do!

I'm leaning towards a Soft Point!

Anybody know what would be comparable to a Winchester Powerpoint in a 270 or 300 grain slug?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I tried the TTSX 250 in my 375 H&H with moderate success. Granted I only had enough projectiles for one powder choice. Personally, I would think the 250 TTSX would be about the perfect load for the 375 RUM. I'm excited to use the 140 7mm TTSX's in my 7 mag this coming season. I shot a half inch group with a load using H4831.

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
A .375 UM for deer?

I would lean towards the 235 Grain Speer, if they are still making it. It says in their book it was designed for lower recoil, practice, and smaller game. It says to keep to around 2600 FPS for deer. This was for the .375 H&H though.

For deer, just about any bullet you push out of the .375's is going to push a pencil hole through an animal. Unless you can go on the light side, with a thin for caliber bullet, and tone down the velocity to lower levels to actually give the bullet time to expand.

The Barnes surely won't meet your needs, IMO.

Sierra might have a lighter bullet in the Game King line??

Interesting dilema either way.


Yes bessy
I have had good luck with my Barnes hand loads. Are you planing on going to africa with FLEH ? I would hate to have you throw that 250 grain bullet at me by hand,yet alone shot it at something.
I have loaded the ttsx and the mrx with great luck on killing animals. I have never recovered a bullet to hold in my hand to admire. I have loaded them in my 338 185 grain and my 300 tejas 168 grain . I load them at max load.
Just loaded some 243 barnes for my 11 year old nephew. Haven't put them on paper yet.
I am looking forward to getting my hands on barnes new lrx (long-range x)bullets. They are answer bergers claims to higher b.c. by making a bullet to match their b.c. numbers.
Just test them on paper first and make sure your rifle likes your recipe. ;)
The Barnes LRX sounds good!

Wish they'd get their rear in gear & make em in .375!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I'm shooting 165 ttsx out of my 300 win mag, did great on deer and elk. 30 cal going in baseball going out. Elk was at 400 yds and still went clean through dropping it in its tracks. I know the deer didnt feel a thing. They make a hell of a thump when they hit, more so than the powerpoints did IMO. I never had a problem with powerpoints but a friend reloads these cheaper than I can get powerpoints...

Sounds good justr!

I want POWERPOINT Performance is the only reason I mentioned them!

I want .375 going in & Basketball going out!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-11 AT 09:11AM (MST)[p]Been using the 165 Barnes tsx in my -06 for years. Drops both deer and elk.I use 250's TMZ in my 50 cal. MZ.
I reload the barnes TSX for my 300 RUM and found they shoot great. I reload the 180 grain barnes with 91 grains of Reloder 25 powder. from every one i have talked to barnes is notorious for hotter is better. i have also found it to be true. don't know if they is good info for you but if your reloding your own don't be afraid to push the envelope. Find the horn Goose!
I Have shot 165 grain barnes in my 300 win mag since they came out have shot deer and elk with them and have never had to track an animal yet imo i dont think you will ever find a better bullet on the market i have can honestly say that i have never tried the swift A frames or the Siroco and have heard good things on them but why change from what works i also load them in my 25-06 too.
I've shot TSX and tipped-TSX in quite a few calibers. I like the tipped TSX in light to medium wieght for caliber loads. They don't make the tipped TSX in the heavier weights because of overall bullet length. This is already an issue with Barnes bullets due to lack of lead (all copper), but adding the tip makes the heavy bullets just too long for useful loading. You won't find a 300 grain tipped for your 375. I shoot standard 300 grain TSX in my 375, and have taken everything from elk to buffalo and hippo. Very impressive load. I hit the backbone of a cow elk once at 150 yards in the middle of an aspen thicket. The cow dropped, and upon inspection their was blood, bone, hair, etc. splatterd on tress for 20+ feet behind the elk. Very gruesone, but impressive performance. You really have no need for the tipped TSX in 375. You would have to work really hard to damage the nose of a TSX enough to effect performance.

Thanks Guys!


You ever shot a Deer with that 300 Barnes?

I don't wanna Drill Holes,have you ever just Drilled holes with them?

I'm not worried about damaging the Regular TSX's,more worried about filling them with dirt/mud/etc!

Have you ever tried the 250 Grain Tipped TSX's in your Gun on Game?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I have used the regular TSX's for years without any problems with junk in the tip. I went to the 165 TTSX in my 300wsm because of the improved BC and down range performance on my sheep hunt.
My Dall ram didn't much like um from 360 yds out. And my Mt. Caribou dropped like a brick with one shot from 240yds. That's the sum of my TTSX experience!
Well RANS!

I Hope you can get them all!

If I decide to drill a hole I'll get my Milwaukee Drill out & Drill one!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
You might be shaking your head,but what good is drilling a hole gonna do?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
bess, Ive never had a problem with any debris in the tips of the bullets.... That really shouldnt be a concern, its not a big hole anyways....

bess i have never had one just punch holes they do plenty of damage if you are wanting to blow some thing in half though i guess i would recomend a nosler ballistic tip lol
i dont think you would be diss appointed in the barns honestly they do some major damage but thats my opinion even on my 25-06 i have never had to look more than a few yards on deer.
if you want something that will open up like a powerpoint get a hornady interlock. they are a soft point design like a powerpoint and would open up much better than a barnes anything.
accubonds come in .375 and would be better ballisticaly and still open a big old hole. of course if youre looking for a powerpoint you probably dont care too much about ballistics. i bet you would like the accubonds. good luck to whatever steps in front of that thing
Any dirt, mud, debris, etc., in the tip of a TSX will just encourage expansion, not retard it. It would perform much the same function as the tip on a tipped TSX, or more likely, have no effect in delaying expansion.

I have shot small African game with the 300 TSX, from Duiker to impala. They make an impressive hole, some would say mess, coming out the other side. They will defintely open up on even a 50 pound animal.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 01:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 01:32?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 01:31?PM (MST)

If it worked, here are two Tipped Barnes bullets retrieved from my 2009 elk. The year before I got a non-tipped Barnes bullet out of a Colorado elk that looked the same.

They work great, except as you can see, I get them back under the hide on the opposite side. They do their damage, drop the elk, but so far have not made a pass through hole. Did not have to track either elk so a blood trail was not an issue.

These are 180gr .308 bullets shot from a 300 WM around 2,850 fps.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Guys!

Looks like the TSX's make the animal absorb all the Energy & Shock,I like that!

Think I'm gonna have some of both the TSX's & Soft Points Loaded up for the 375 RUM!

Anybody know why BARNES is only offering a light weight 250 grain slug in the Tipped TSX's?

Keep Em coming Guys,appreciate the Info!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I would guess, that its because they want you to use them at a higher velocity. May Be the 300 gr doesn't open up as well. All you really need is the 250, because of how much retained bullet their is anyway.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
B Bop,

I answered this before, but will try again. Barnes won't make a 300 grain tipped TSX in .375 because the bullet would just be too long. As an all copper bullet, Barnes bullets are longer than comparable weight lead bullets by other manufacturers already. Adding the tip makes them even longer. While the ballistic coefficient of a 300 grain tipped .375 would likely be very high, the bullet would have to be seated so deep in the case it wouldn't be practical. This is true across other caliber. Barnes cannot add tips to heavy for caliber bullets without exceeding useful length.

Ya I heard you llama!

I guess the Tipped Bullet must be quite a bit different than the regular TSX?

They make the regular TSX's for the .375 as heavy as 350 Grain Slugs!

Thanks again!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I have a lot of experience with hunting bullets and here is my 2 cents.
Barnes TSX worked fabulous on my wifes moose at 400 yards

Barnes Triple Shock worked great on a caribou

Hornady Interbonds- one of my favorites, very accurate. good mushroom

Hornady- GMX very reliable and accurate

Berger VLD- usually explode apart in animal but seem to kill em just as dead.

I don't keep using them if I have any problems so Nosler and Speer are not on my list.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-11 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p] Really the only advantage of the Tipped TSX over the Triple Shock is distance. The tungsten core loaded into the rear of the Tipped helps stabilize at longer ranges. For me, given the economy, that advantage is not worth the extra cost.
If you want expansion and big holes with Barnes bullets, shoot the bullet through bone.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-11 AT 02:12PM (MST)[p]Actually the MRX has the tungsten core while the TTSX is all copper (like the TSX) except for the poly tip.

TTSX is my (new) bullet of choice and has accounted for a Mtn Goat, 4 deer and 2 elk in the last few years.

Before that I used the reg TSX.

(mostly used 168TTSX in 300 RUM but a few 150TTSX in the 300WSM)


edit; damn spelling
Correction.. my wifes moose was taken with MRX not TSX. The tipped TSX really only has a ballistic advantage (somewhat) over the regular Triple Shock due to slightly higher BC. A tipped TSX is a hollow point with plastic plugging the hole so I don't think some debris, mud, etc. is going to inhibit expansion in the regular Triple Shock. On the contrary, it may aid in expansion.
And now back to a serious note, LOL! I'm using a 25-06 for antelope with handloaded 117 grain Hornady BTSPs and haven't had one move out of their tracks and all were passthroughs. I wouldn't hesitate using them on deer, but I dont know that I would get a passthrough every time. I don't feel the need for anything bigger than a 30-06 for deer and elk and have gone to the 150 grain BTSP for deer and the Interbond for the few cow elk I've shot since going to it. All those have been passthroughs on both species and no tracking required, so that's what I intend to stay with unless eventually being forced to go with a nolead bullet. Then I think I would go to the Hornady GMX with about the same results from what I've been reading about them. The perfect bullet, IMHO, is one that will expand properly while using all it's energy in the animal before exiting and traveling no further.
I've not felt "forced" to use non-lead for hunting. I have used the barnes X for years and years because they simply work. The new TTSX is just another model of the tried and true Barnes X design. The gmx should be ok since it's a Barnes-ish copy but I'd feel no reason to change from a good thing.

My 300RUM loves the 168TTSX! Way sub-moa with a MV of 3365. It's a killer!

I shot 14 animals in one year with the TSX in a 325wsm. Underrated little cartridge, but that's another discussion.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]Zeke--My use of the words "forced to" was in reference to the ban that CA already has on lead bullets and the fact that the antis and others are trying to ban lead bullets and fishing sinkers throughout the entire country. I believe that was one of the main reasons that Hornady came out with the GMX. Since I am sold on the BTSPs and Interbonds that's why I would stay with them before going to the GMX just like you like what you're using and probably won't change.
Damn eco-terrorists, antis etc.

I feel sorry for CA. Not because they "have to" shoot Barnes or GMX Hornady but because they have no choice!

If that's the case I'm going to shoot interbonds then! They are a good bullet and I have used them in a 308 win and a 270wsm. Well, maybe I'll buy some and shoot them when I feel like it.

Thanks Topgun,

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