Barbary Sheep

  • Thread starter elkbowhuntingfreak
  • Start date


Looking for any help on hunting Barbary sheep, in New Mexico. i.e Places, units,tactics. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Been out a few times in southern part of state with no luck at all. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-06 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p]Would you consider a guided or self guided hunt? If so, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]

Nice sheep, what's the lengths on that one? I'm trying to figure out how to guess and I'm thinking 27-28.

The first picture is one that my friend and I took over Thanksgiving, the one ram standing we guessed at 27"-28" and the other ram at 24"-25".
The sheep that I took last year measured 30 1/2" on one side and 29 3/4 on the other side, if you look close the short horn was damaged somehow and is not as thick as the long horn.
Be glad to answer any more questions if you have some.
Where are you hunting in NM??
Would love to find a ram like that come Feb. and then would love it even more if I can get into range of my 06 to lay the hammer down. Nice pics and thanks for sharing....

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