Barak Obama's pastor's message



by Asher Intrater

Israeli press briefly covered the story of Barak Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, preaching a sermon in which he repeatedly shouted, "God damn America, God damn America!" (There is no word in Hebrew for "damn" and the statement had to be translated as "God curse America".)

It is not my purpose in this article to deal with the political implications of his connections with Obama, nor with the theological issues of "liberation theology," nor even from the question of Obama's personal faith ? as he openly professed that he "found Christ" in that church. I would like to approach it from a perspective of prayer: the need for us to be PRAYING FOR America.

The Jewish people were commanded to pray FOR the nation of Babel (Iraq) when they lived there in exile in the 6th century BC ? Jeremiah 29. All Christians are called to pray FOR those in authority ? I Timothy 2.

Jeremiah 29:7 Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it: for in its peace you will have peace.

No doubt it was difficult for the Israelites in Babel to pray for the nation they felt had abused them. Yet in their generation, Babel was the world leader, just as America is the world leader today. Although it seemed to them paradoxical, praying for Babel's well being would result in their well being. So today, America's well-being is still beneficial for most Christians, Jews, and suppressed peoples around the world.

It is easy to feel resentful against America, even for those who live there. The entertainment industry has spread sexual immorality and licentiousness; the people are often over-fed, comfort-worshiping, and self-indulgent.

And yet, would you really want a world without America?

America is the only nation that has made a clear stance against Islamic Jihad. It is the only nation that has consistently supported Israel in the U.N. It is the nation which has produced most of the biblical and faith-based literature that is available. It is the nation with the best form of elections, court systems, and law making in the world. (On Friday, Iran held national elections in which all of the candidates who stood for reform against Ahmadinejad's regime were disqualified before the voting began.).

America guarantees civil rights and freedom of religious expression more than any nation.

Over the last six months the U.S. dollar has fallen almost 25% on the international market.

The majority of Christian charitable organizations, as well as evangelistic missions, receive their financing through the dollar. That means this year all those ministries have effectively lost 25% of their support base.

While most true believers in Yeshua (Jesus) would never voice such harsh statements as Reverend Wright, the spirit of revenge and resentment against America has had a subtle influence on many. Much so called "prayer" or "prophecies" concerning America have been nothing more than complaining and accusations before the throne of God. The result has been an inadvertent cursing of the nation and its leadership. Others have had their prayers simply neutralized, figuring it is just best not to pray for America at all.

I believe it is urgent to pray for America
Don't try to make protecting Israel and oil fields into a Christian movement. if we're all about human rights and religious freedom we should be at the very least denouncing China's actions of cultural and religious genocide in Tibet , pulling out of the Olympics and cutting off trade with a suppressive communist nation. what do you want to bet we sit on thumbs? so far we've softly asked them not to kill any more protesters than they see fit.

We're self serving and that's ok, just don't sugar coat it or make it something it's not. If you want to worry about something then worry about China and their old buddy Russia teaming up again, to put into perspective the rag heads are grade school kids in knickers compared to that threat.

Geez I'm starting to sound as paranoid as you neocons.
Barak Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, preaching a sermon in which he repeatedly shouted, "God damn America, God damn America!" (There is no word in Hebrew for "damn" and the statement had to be translated as "God curse America"

Dude' the point was we are comanded by God to pray for our nation and Baraks pastor is trying to dam (curse) it!...

if those words don't upset you, i don't know what will... it make's me wonder whats Baraks theology is, like hidden behind his smile. what ever..

Asher Intrater, is a jewish jounalist
I don't know what to tell you, wright sounds Like a dork to me and I hope the majority of blacks don't agree with him. all I can say is nobody can put Obama in that church while this talk was going on, was Obama ever present while this was going on and did he approve? I can't say, but he says he wasn't. so as it stands now this is guilt by association, I don't think I'm that worried.
If he was he isn't now I bet. as I understand it the rants Wright made were gathered up over the last 5 or 6 years and were not part of his regular sermon or whatever you call it. if every Sunday was a line of crap like it would appear I'd understand the concern, but if it took years to put that film together then I'd say Obama could be telling the truth. it doesn't really matter, those who see this as a big deal were never going to vote for him anyway. as I said before Hillary is the only one who stands to gain from this, she has to be loving it.

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