banner year for C-1


Long Time Member
It was a banner year where we hunt up in C-1 zone this year, probably seen 25 different bucks in all, passed up a few nice 4 points, after seeing the warm weather report for this up coming final week I decided to settled on this dude, spotted him last Friday morning; he looked good but he never let me get closer the 800yrds.

I tried it on his own turf, he out smarted me twice, which I guess these days, ain?t hard to do so he peaked my interest n I knew I had to get a shot at him, well I was ready to give it another try Monday morning, I got into the area he hung out in before day light and just waited it out, an hour after daylight I spotted him up on top of his Mt. At 447 yards, I settled the crosshairs on the top of his back and dropped him in his tracks he rolled down the hill about 40 yards n got hung up in the brush, its hard t tell just how steep that hillside was, it was hard to stand up, all I can say is I'm glad I got him my knees were starting to burn out??



That's a good one Manny, Congrats!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-13 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]Green up sure is early this year same in my area.
Congrats nice buck and great story...thanks for sharing...anytime you get a buck in CA you've earned it ...sounds like you clearly went several extra miles to out smart that buck and took it to him on your terms. Nice job...

Manny, sweet. How come your clothes look like they just came out of the dry cleaners? So clean and pressed looking. Hell, even though I've shot hundreds of deer, I always end up with blood or guts on parts of my hunting outfit. Nice job old man,
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-13 AT 10:48AM (MST)[p]>Manny, sweet. How come your clothes
>look like they just came
>out of the dry cleaners?
> So clean and pressed
>looking. Hell, even though I've
>shot hundreds of deer, I
>always end up with blood
>or guts on parts of
>my hunting outfit. Nice job
>old man,

hey Rick this pic should explain it for yah, you know how many bucks i've gutted for the kid in the pic, bout time he pay back the old man...LOL

by the way did you notice my shoes as well, no boots that day they were killing my knees....


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