Band of Brothers



Just wanted to say Thanks a million to my band of brothers. (past and present) With Veterans Day coming up Sun. I wish all my Brothers in harms way a safe return. Please take one min. of your day and say a prayer for them. David
If he was in from 1980 to 1986 yes i did. If not he's still my brother. Have you ever watched the movie Band of Brothers? What a movie! Evey Vet Day i Watch the whole thing. May not be able to this year but I'll take it with me.
>I will pray for the men.
>Did you serve with my
>dad, he's about your age.

MY AGE? Im only 45 Dork

Your touchy! Okay my dads got you by 42 years. Served WWII and still doesn't like Germany or Japan. He doesn't forget very fast.

I will be taking my dad out for breakfast Sunday morning. He waded ashore on Utah beach, and was on the outskirts of Berlin when the war in Europe ended.

Here is my Dad just before he shipped out to Korea in 1950.

Proud of him and all of the Men and Women who serve.

your welcome. and thank you fellow brothers, keep up the great work, and come home safe!!

Tageater,10th mountain, light infantry vet.
>your welcome. and thank you fellow
>brothers, keep up the great
>work, and come home safe!!
>Tageater,10th mountain, light infantry vet.

Your back how did your day go David U.S.S. O'Brian DD-975
>your welcome. and thank you fellow
>brothers, keep up the great
>work, and come home safe!!
>Tageater,10th mountain, light infantry vet.

Thanks for your service tag. Better post a photo of yourself before Monster does.

Here is my Dad. Army Air Corps about 1944. Dad never said much about WWII but I know he was proud of his service.

This was my band while in Iraq...prayers go out to those serving and also those family's awaiting there return...
i did my deed. ...proud to have served...passed it on.

love my country hate yankees.(just kiddin) redsox rule! right after colorado


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