Bad Xmas gifts


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 08:04AM (MST)[p]Christmas is fast approaching and I know there are a lot of last minute shoppers. I can't help you with what to buy but here are a few NOT to buy. Some timeless, popular classics and some new ideas.

Mattel?s Easy Bake Coke Oven
Poop Chutes and Ladders Board Game
Michael Jackson?s Trapdoor Sleepover Pajamas
Brett Favre Pocket Camera
Larry Craig Kick-Me Game
Reverend Paul?s Hide the Pickle Game
John Denver Home Airplane Kit
Herpie the ?Love Bug?
In-Home Full Body Scanner
Fisher-Price Doll House of Flames
Hasbro?s Connect the Zits
Rated X-Box

Dolls are again very popular but here are some I'd shy away from:

Clay Aiken Blow up Doll
The Grinch that Stole Trailcams Doll
NFL?s Who?s My Daddy Doll
Zoloft Zollie
Lexapro Lucy
Exploding Akmed
Adult Diaper Dottie Change and Play
Post Office Pete Shootem-Up figure
Viagra Vince Action Doll
Hannah Does Montana
Bathhouse Bennie
Clamadia Jane
Pull My Finger Grandpa Doll
Jock Itch Jimmy
Call-Girl Barbie
Nicotene Patch Kid
Tickle-Me-Lower Doll

Books are always a good gift and it seems like everyone has one. Here are a few I'd highly recommend NOT buying:

Eelgrass? Guide to Ethical Turtle Hunting
Bobcatbess: My Life Before Caplocks
Tiger Woods Guide to Fidelity
Manny?s Book of Practical Theology
1911: Bribes, Donuts and Handcuffs - A Look Behind the Badge
Pains, Canes and Old Automobiles - by Kilowatt
Confessions of an Alter Boy - NVBighorn
UDWR?s Guide to Mule Deer Management

Happy shopping and Merry Christmas!
Hey F'er!

I thought it was: My life after Caplocks?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]You can also buy a few of the Authors books online here on MM!!

How to ditch your wife and look like it was a mistake!!!

Heroin or Photoshop...Both dangerously Addicting!!!

Here is a good Conspiracy thriller also just released.

Big Bucks, Do they walk among us?

Here is one written in conjunction with the great Bobcatbess titled...


(not for the faint of heart)

Happy Holidays
I guess you'll have to write a sequel

Some high quality reading there, thanks for the heads up.
LMAO!! Those were great! I had to use some of that for on-air fodder this morning on my radio show. Awesome! Thanks Feleno!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]Also be looking for the

Doyle Moss and Team Action Figure Dolls!!! A Holiday Must!!!!
(Governors Tag not included)

Apparently Rug and Founder struck a deal with Matel on making molded replicas of their "Secret Club House"!!!!!I cant find a picture of it but someone here may have one!!!! :) (Only Available to Utah Residents)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]Boz
nice :)
How many 16 year old "game spotters" comes with the set?

Is this the clubhouse?
YEP thats it!!!! LMAO!!!! You must know someone with insider info!!!

The Action fugure comes with a set of 10 free. But you can buy them in Bulk, They are mass produced in Utah.
hey feleno u forgots rans new book. it just hit the bookstores. called "how to miss a deer with 100 shots."
I think he and Stinkey teamed up for that one and there is a series coming out. Stinkeys is about elk though:)
Dont forget this one. A must for every MMer's library.

DIY the Monster Muley Way; A Guide to DIY Big Game Hunting

- Tips and Tricks to invite 15-20 family members on the hunt without having to supply all the beer.
- Learn to be self sufficient; tips to building your own weapons, ammo, optics, vehicle, clothing, shelter, GPS and computer (you'll need this to keep track of pesky guides and badmouth as much as possible on web forums). The only true way to be DIY!!!
- How to execute the proper "High Country Tune-up?; a foray into the weaknesses of a quad, bike or UTV.
- Tips on how to score big game via the Monster Muley scoring system; an in-depth look into what it takes to make a 330 bull or 180 buck!

-TEAM HOSSBACK- "Making Blood Trails, Not Profit"
>AT 09:37?AM (MST)

>nice :)
>How many 16 year old "game
>spotters" comes with the set?
>Is this the clubhouse?

Feleno, I know you wanted to go up there blind folded but don't act like we never let you see it?


You're in to Cavity Checks more than We knew about?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Damn I guess I will have to change my Signature Line to this now: Pains, Canes and Old Automobiles - by Kilowatt


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