Bad Xmas gift ideas


Long Time Member
With Christmas fast approaching and not much time left for shopping I thought it might be helpful to post a few gifts not worth wasting your time looking for. Some old and some new:

Fisher-Price Doll House of Flames
Mattel?s Easy Bake Coke Oven
Poop Chutes and Ladders Board Game
Michael Jackson?s Trapdoor Sleepover Pajamas
Mr. Potato Head Peeler
Oprah Winfrey Home Workout Gym
Larry Craig Kick-Me Game
John Denver Home Airplane Kit
Herpie the ?Love Bug?
Tred Barta?s Book of Bad Shots
Hasbro?s Connect the Zits
Rated Xbox
Apple iCod

Of course dolls are a real popular item again this year:
Zolaf Zollie
Lexapro Lucy
Exploding Akmed
Viagra Vince Action Doll
Hannah the Hooker
Bathhouse Bennie
Clamadia Jane
Pull My Finger Grandpa Doll
Jock Itch Jimmy
Call-Girl Barbie
Nicotene Patch Kid
Tickle-Me-Lower Doll

Bunch of Holiday books by MMers I'd highly recommend not buying:
Rackmaster?s Guide to Women
Manny?s Book of Practical Theology
Browtine: Bribes, Donuts and Handcuffs My Time Behind the Badge
Pains, Canes and Old Automobiles by Kilowatt
Confessions of an Alter Boy by BFE
Stinkystompers Guide to Good Shooting
MuscleMilk, The Dark Truth by Slamdunk

Any others please feel free to add
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]"Monster Muley racks gone wild" Pictures by Feleno and Stories by Coleman Houston.

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Ouch that going to leave a bruise. LOL

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