Bad start to.. Honeymoon


Very Active Member
My brothers boy got married this past weekend, they had a great wedding and a huge reception with music, food, danceing and alot of old and new friends being together. The limo was to pick them up at 8pm to take them to the hotel, they had reserved the honeymoon suite at the Raddison for the night before flying to their honeymoon destination 2 months in advance and it was confirmed and paid for on thursday evening $450. The limo driver dropped them off and left, they went to register and the front desk tells them there was no honeymoon suite avalable for them. After trying to convince the front desk there was a mistake for an hour (bride in gown) they took a regular room.They will probably look back at this and laugh someday but what a way to start a marriage.
That happened to me also. Except when we settled for a regular room, I went to go into are "new" room and there was someone asleep in the bed! I had to go BACK DOWN and get keys for ANOTHER room. It was crappy!

Aim Center Mass
The hotel manager has been calling to make it right( kinda late for that)but so far they have offered the "Presidential Suite", meals and drinks any day of the week any time of year.

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