Bad A truck, Big sticker, and a Stolen deer



Let me break down for everyone one of the funniest but saddest things I have ever seen.

A friend and myself were bowhunting on opening weekend when we came across a 2 point we had seen for 3 days previous to the opening of the hunt. He had limited time to hunt and needed to fill his tag to fill the freezer so we decided to put the stalk on the deer. He made a great shot on the deer and we began to track the deer. I went ahead to see if I could see the deer while he stayed on the blood trail. I then heard a yell and noticed a big bad A jacked up dodge pick up truck with 4 or 5 guys in it throw a deer in the bed without field dressing it.

I turned to my buddy and said I think that truck just threw your deer in the bed of the truck. He jumped on his quad caught up to the truck and confronted them on the deer. They said they had watched the individual get out of the truck stalk the deer and make a kill shot on the deer and they drug the deer from the kill site to the truck. He asked them to take a look at it to see if it had been hit twice. When they looked at the deer he knew it was the deer he hit but couldn't figure out why they had cut a huge chunk out of the neck.

My friend isn't one to be very confrontational so he backed off and we continued to track the deer. Just so happens that we followed a streaming blood trail all the way to about 10 yards off of the road where there was a huge pool of blood and drag marks where they had thrown his deer in the back of their truck.

Well my friend hadn't completely tracked the deer to that point so he couldn't confront them on it but he also didn't notice that it hadn't been cleaned until I mentioend it to him. Also now that we think about things the hole in the neck was where they cut his arrow out. (IMO)

The best part of the whole thing besides them going up the road and cleaning the deer in front of our camp is this big bad A Dodge pick up had a huge Bowtech sticker in the back window as if this person was a Bad A bowhunter.

You tell me what kind of person rides around in a 50k + truck(road hunting deer), plastered with bowhunting stickers steals someones 2pt freezer buck!!!

I would post a pic but I can't erase the license plate...

Again pretty funny but at the same time pretty sad

How many of you have ever had an animal stolen?
And scent waffers flapping in the breeze :D LMAO!

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes

Yes please do us a favor and post the pics of this jackasses truck WITH the license plates visible so we can all see this "BAD A" hunter and say hello to him if we spot him in the field.

People like this should not be hunting the only hunting they should be doing is at home with video games.

Sucks about your friend not being able to fill his freezer...... hopefully he bags one this year.

That really grinds my craw.

Post the pic's. Who cares if the plates are on there. This sh't is happening more and more and it's getting retarded. If you don't feel comfortable, just open the pic in paint and you can erase the plate numbers in there.

I had a 3x4 that I shot about 4 yrs ago. Shot was high, but we knew where the deer had gone (patch of pines), so we just backed off for the night. On our way out, ran into a couple kids that had watched the whole thing go down, told them we're going to wait until morning to come in and get him. Next morning as we're heading in there, here comes the same 2 frickin kids with the deer on their 4 wheeler. Just had to laugh and flip them off. Wasn't worth it.

BTW - for sh'ts and giggles, did this huge bad A dodge have exhaust stacks?
I dont think there is any changing people like this, and things can get out of hand in a hurry.

the first year Idaho opened up 56 to a general tag, i just had to go hunt it(so did everyone else). i was sitting on my butt glassing and see an old guy down a deer on the opposite ridge about 1000 yards off.

I put my spotter on the buck, it was a little two point, and he had died about 20 yards off a road, i figured the guy would drive up the swichback and get his buck, but he took off from the truck, (about a 300 yard walk)it became obvious that he didnt know where the deer went down at, cause he spent an hour looking for the buck.

mean time, another truck comes along, see's the deer and loads it in his truck, then drives off with it! the old guy didnt notice and was still looking for the deer in the wrong little drainage when i got to him, i told him what happened and the ol guy went off, throwing his hat and kicking bushes!

i felt bad, and in awe at how greedy people can be, steal a two point? the guy that took it new what he was doing, as he didnt gut the deer, and he could see the old guys truck at the bottom of the hill. i'm sure he made up a good story about his trophy to tell friends!
Should have reported him to DFG! The same thing happened to us one year in Colorado. We were young and just wanted to kill something and it was the last day. We bumped 3 or 4 2 point bucks from a patch of pines and managed to drop 2 of them. We climbed up to dress one and drag it to the road before we went after the other one. All of a sudden this Colorado truck pulls up, 2 guys jump out and run up the hill, drag our buck down to their truck without even gutting it and tear off. Boy, we just stood there with our mouths hanging open. I couldn't even believe what i had seen.
This was years before they had 800 game thief and cell phones so not much we could do about it. Sad, sad, sad.
Same thing happened to us this weekend / opening day. My friend shot a little two point, which happened to wander on down toward an atv trail. We were waiting a while to let him expire, but about 20 minutes later we see a Rhino full of guys driving off with his buck. These same guys stopped and talked to us just before we started into this patch of quakies, no doubt they were just waiting on the trail for whatever we kicked out, dead or alive.

Post the pic....with the tag. Its the least they deserve and you'll be doing them a favor in the long run......guys like that won't learn till they've been busted and humiliated.
Please post pics!! Somebody on MM will surely know them, and this post will get really funny.
My brother and my sister each had 2 points stolen in the same manner. My sisters 1st archery buck and some jack A#@ took it from her while she went back to camp to get help gutting it out.

Who claims a 2 point they did not even shoot? I guess if your family was starving or something but a truck like that is not owned by someone bad off for food.

Post the pic and lets make him feel like the dirt bag he is.
This topic is worthless with out pics

Who cares about he plate number post the pics, the dumb azz was man enough to steal some one else's deer then he should be man enough to deal with his trucks pics and license plate on the internet.

Colorado, U.S.A
I can just see this lowlife showing off his "trophy" mounted in the trophy room of his doublewide with a big gash cut out of its neck. "I stalked it for two charged me..I had to defend myself with my buck knife..I think it scores 180....."
We really need to see the pic's of this scum bags truck, post em up.


There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed taters and gravy.
Ill post the edited pic's if you email them to me

post the pics

post the pics

come on post the pics


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Love this thread.......what's funny is that if the deer died so close to the road.........then it was't shot too far from the road either:)
Lighten up.....only half of this hunt is about stealing, the other half is about bashing bad "A" bowhunters with painted faces and Big Dodge Trucks with "smelly trees" hangin' off the rear view mirror. I would never shoot a 2 pt in my life..... with a bow or not. I'd be glad they stole it so I could keep huntin'. You wan't somebody's licence plate posted on the internet for riddicule over a story that may or may not have happened....what's the big deal?
Go figure...the A hole was driving a Dog...if he was driving a Ford or a Chevy he would have stopped and help you gut it.
Hey Stubaby...most people don't take the time to make something up and take the time to type it up and post it..obviously you didn't read his was his last day meat buck. Why is it always some jack bag in a Dog? Post the pics.

There is no law saying you can't post a picture with a license plate, hell they are on every car and only Law Enforcement can run plates for identity. I think you should post up the pics. If you email them to me I can blurr out the plates if it makes you feel better. This is a great story but the way you described this truck makes me wanna see it.


Later, Brandon
A couple of things don't make sense in this story. He said he made a great shot on the deer but also said he thought they cut the arrow out of the neck? Also he posts the story and then disappears? I know it is hard to believe that someone would make up this story, but where is the proof?
A couple of things don't make sense in this story. He said he made a great shot on the deer but also said he thought they cut the arrow out of the neck? Also he posts the story and then disappears? I know it is hard to believe that someone would make up this story, but where is the proof?

I think it was one of the wanna be Chit stirrers that got deleted...THIS STORY IS A CROCK AND CAN'T BE BACKED UP!!
DODGE CHEVY FORD who F'n cares!


Gosh, Rackmaster, do you Drive a black dodge with a sticker in the Window??

I don't see why you are so upset.

Are you offended or nervouse???

Seems like a guy just telling a story of how worthless some one was. Is that so Bad?
I call BS on this story to! No pics? "Cut the arrow out of it's neck..."? Huh?? :eek: :eek: Since when has ANYONE had to cut an arrow out of a deer's neck???? :D

Too dang funny!!!! Thanks for the laugh!


I hope that turd got beat up in school alot. Cause he's a D B.

The story may or may not be true but I have seen crazier stuff in the field perpetrated by idiots. I'm not prepared to call this guy a liar.
>The story may or may not
>be true but I have
>seen crazier stuff in the
>field perpetrated by idiots. I'm
>not prepared to call this
>guy a liar.

BlastNcast could at least reply why he is not going to post the pics if he has them, he has been given several options and hast even responded...........

..Hunt hard finish strong..
Guys, I truly apologize for not responding but I had no idea that this post would blow up as big as it did. Also I have been where many of you should be, in the hills for the last couple of weeks. Hunting season has began and it has been an awesome year so far.

I will begin by saying that everything about this story is true. Any shot that kills a deer within 100 yds is a pretty good shot. I had said that it was my opinion the arrow had been cut out of his neck. The deer was quarting away when the shot was made so the arrow very well could have come out of his neck again it was my opinion at the time and it was an assumption the arrow had been cut out. My friend couldn't figure out why it had a hole like it did in the neck.

I will tell you all that I am not going to post any pics because it looks pretty relevant that it just might bring one of the members on this site to shame. I think this post has done enough and I just don't want to do someone like that. I would hope that the deer was taken because they thought it was theirs and not because they stole it.

Heck you might even check the post that has hunting rigs!!! Maybe he posted it himself... I think this post has done it's job and I can't help but to laugh at the way the posts ended.

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