Backpacking breakfasts?



I'm preparing for my backpack elk hunt, and have most things figured out except what to take for breakfast. I can't do instant oatmeal.

Any other suggestions?

LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-09 AT 04:37PM (MST)[p]Cereal and powdered milk is an option. But I am usually an oatmeal guy.

Take out more than you brought in!

I pack alot in the high country and I do a pasta thing called couscous it can be pre cooked and just warmed up or eaten cold, I heat it with a bit of water just enough to moisten and some brown sugar. Great tasting, and really fills ya up.
You can find couscous in a box in the pasta section at like Smiths or Harmons.......

Hope this helps


I'm a fan of MREs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My favorite breakfast consists of an omelette and a sausage patty.

Other things I'll eat, just for a little variety:

Fruit cups. I like the mandarin oranges or applesauce
"Carnation Instant Breakfast" ain't bad
Hot cereals like malt o meal or cream of wheat. Mix in some dry milk.
Danish or sweet rolls. Hard to keep them from getting smashed tho.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-09 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]Mountain House or Backcountry Pantry scrambles eggs are hard to beat . . . Personally I'm never exceptionally hungry and prefer to eat a quick bit (homemade granola mixture or homemade power bars) or snack when I get to a glassing spot . . . I'll eat almost every few hours during the day and really pack it in at dinner.
I like to make extra burritos the night before. Any hamburger,onion,green chile a little salt pepper and plenty of garlic they arent that bad cold and real good when your hungry.
Mountain House granola w/ blueberries! Tastes great, lotsa carbs and protein. Just add water!
Most of the time just a cliff or wilderness athlete bar..But to mix it up I pack in pancake mix (just add water) and syrup/butter packets from mcdonalds. I have cooked them on a flat rock over a fire before...Something warm is kinda nice in the snow...I also make a warm cup of Cliff bar's electrolyte apple cider..

"Livin the Dream"
I'll 2nd the mountain house granola and blue berries. Just add water and eat. It's pretty dang good and light weight!
I like some kinda drink mix, tang or other. I also like energy bars and candy bars. I don't usually eat candy but find myself wanting on hunts. Apples, lots of apples- taste great, moist and cleans teeth, and no wrappers.
I like to boil water inside the tent (which heats it up) and make tang, or Gatorade...which are both good hot, when temps are cold.

Also, cup a noodles is good. I really like hot stuff when I get out of my bag. They are light, and all you need is water....but they are a tad bulky. Also, bowls of soup, I get them at my local dollar store and man do they hit the spot when it is cold. You know the kind, they either come in a little styrofoam cup, or a paper bowl.

Hot liquids go a long way when it is below 40 degrees.

John 14:6
I'm a early riser and have a big base camp i fix eggs bacon and fried eggs. but spikin i swear by coffee singles and Advil.
if nothing else so at around 10 am you kill something just to eat some raw liver [kiddin] or find the wild raspberry bushes just look for the grizz poop with berries in it you will know you are close.[still kiddin]
I'm not a breakfast guy just snack at 10 then pbj's for lunch
and a six pack of mt dew for the whole days hikin. sometimes i'll take pop tarts but normally eat them at 10 mostly peanuts candy bars granola bars small one bite things i can just eat on the move.
you would think with the garbage i eat I'd be fat but at the start of bow season i weighed 178 which is heavy for me and after 25 days of elk hunting i weighed 161 yesterday. I'm 6'2"
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-09 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]I like to take bagels. Toast 'em with a little butter on a fry pan over your backpacking stove. Top it off with some cream cheese and you're good to go.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll file this with my other backpacking info.
The WA stuff gutted me last year!

The drink mix is really good and I think it helped me but, the bars and gels just kept me bowed up behind a bush!

Success is failure that tried one more time
I like to take little cups of applesauce an take those oat & honey Natures Harvest granola bars.

I dip the granola bars in the applesauce and use the granola bar as the spoon.

Also a canteen of tang in the morning is good for vitamins and sugar to get you going.

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