Backpack hunt suggestions? your suggestions


Active Member
I apply in all the western states like everyone else. I really think I'd like to go on some kind of backpack hunt. I'm not giving much criteria because I want as many ideas as possible. I don't like wolves and really hate grizzlies. I don't mind a drop camp or even an outfitter but a DIY hunt would really be good also. Private or public don't matter and I don't want to put a price on the hunt but I want all the gear on my back.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
Gotta have an outfitter in Wyoming wilderness.

Colorado is always a good choice. Utah has the bookcliffs roadless that would be good with decent draw odds and a chance at a good buck. You will earn him there though. Idaho is pretty much out because of wolf and grizzly. Nevada maybe? Oregon?


Utah general season Wasatch. Just keep on hiking past all the pumpkins, the search and rescue will find you after a couple of days.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i recommend any of the CO wilderness areas. muzzy or archery are great choices. great time of year and a few less hunters around. the beauty of backpack hunting is getting miles from any roads.

if money is not concerning, i recommend getting the best quality and lightest gear you can. it will make the backpacking experience much better.

good luck.

Thanks for your kind words. I had enough of grizzly bears last year. I been tracked, stalked, and had a bear steal my friends elk. He was guarding the elk or what was left of it when we found it. 4 encounters in 3 days is way too much of a risk to talke with a big gear. FWIW, 30 yards was close enough for me.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
I'd suggest looking at CO hard. Many places on the west slope have everything you'd want and more as far as backcountry goes (high, deep, remote), plus tags can be relatively easy to obtain for such hunts as archery deer or elk. Do a little research and I'm sure you can find a hunt that appeals to you.
You might look at the Greys River in Wyoming for deer or elk. Normally there aren't any wolves or grizzly. It isn't wilderness so you don't need a guide.

Can draw special deer with one PP or special elk with zero PP.

There will be other hunters in the area, mostly on horseback, so you won't be totally isolated. But it's possible you could go days without seeing another person.

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