back offf tripple k!



what r u doin jen! u post a thread in my honor? u didnt even have anything negative to say? its like u extended a hand of good gesture.
ive lost far too many stinky haters in my nice period and its time to put an end to it. so appologize for being polite. that was uncalled for. im back to work now and just plain bored. whos gonna fight with me. u were kinda my last hope and now this. come on tk lets not end on a good note!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
wheeeew! thanks for clearing that up slammy. i thought I'd lost my last enemy! ROFL!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-09 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]Slam is right, I did it for him and had I known you'd befoul MY THREAD with your ugly mug, I never would've posted. :p
So we're still enemies????...........OHHHHH JOY!

I knew you still had a little hate left for me in your tiny little heart.

My year just started looking up. Now post some more comments somewhere so i can read a little more into your personality. That will allow me to mold myself into something you may hate even more! ROFL! If i threw my degree in your face would that arouse feelings of anger???? racism? sexist? Help me out a little will ya. lol. post up one final time then I will slither back from whence I came. Then, when everyone is a little heated and things seems serious I will pounce. Oh joy, the excitement is just too much!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
>uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........whud i miss?


While you were away we figured they best way to settle this was to see who had the best pair of sweater puppies between you and trip k...Everyone agreed and appointed me as the judge...Tripk has already e-mailed me a few pics of hers and I am waiting to receive yours before I start judging....Please hurry..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Your relentless arent you



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I knew you were spending too much time in camp! Is that also why Ray wasn't showing up in the crows nest till well after sun up??

You ba$tard$! LOL


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!

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