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Well I'd rather be lucky than good any day. For my first antelope I somehow managed to take a real good one. He is at the taxidermist now. We initially rough scored him at 84. My eyes were bulging out of my head as the landowner taped him out. Later on he was scored by the taxidermist at 82 1/2". I am still amazed and almost in shock. I'll get pics and a story up soon. It was in area 25. Sorry, but I will not be anymore specific than that.
Congrats on your first lope. I wasn't lucky enough to draw a tag this year, but I drew out last year. That was my first lope hunt and I tagged out on a nice buck. I have pictures posted in this forum under Antelope 03. I got him back from the taxidermist in May, and just recently decided to post him to see what others thought. Anyway, congrats again!!!
DK, I just meant that I could not be more specific as to the location of the ranch. This is out of respect for the landowner. I'll have a much better (and more specific) story and pics once I get them loaded. Antelope had 7" bases, 6 5/8" cutters, and 15 1/2" length with mass all the way up.

After the drying period, have him measured by a B&C certified scorer, he may make the bottom end of the B&C book.


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