Back From Scouting Trip.



Oregonmuley, I just got back yesterday from scouting that area we talked about. Well not all of it just part of it, wow was the weather ever a problem, cold, rainy, lighting, thunder and wet. There was water everywhere, so the lopes didn't have to come to the water tanks to get water. I did see about 30 lopes and 2 shooter bucks. I'm going back in July, I'm shooting for around the 18th meanwhile I will be shooting my muzz and spending money on things I need for the hunt.

Thanks again for the help, I just wanted to let you know what I did and saw.

We'll have 2 hot months before your season so although there is alot of water out there now, things will change for the better. Maybe more water than most years but by August/Sept it'll be back to normal.

What type of muzzy are you shooting? Bullet?? Powder???
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-09 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]I will probably use my ol mans White muzz. as far as bullets and powder I'm not 100% sure yet. I have to use a lead bullet with no plastic on it, it has been about 10-15yrs since I have shot a muzz. I have been researching that stuff and right now I'm looking at the 777 powder and the Hornaday bullets Maxi Ball etc.

Yea, that water in the High Desert Country can dry up in a week. My plan for this hunt is to find a water hole way out there where most people don't want to go.

Good, glad you had a chance to look around. The weather has been pretty funky this last couple of weeks, but like said we get some hot dry July weather and a bunch of those water holes will be gone - but there will still be some around if you look.
Keep all us no-tag holders up to date and good luck.

Oh - and how were the roads?? Ugly probably:)
The roads were bad but then a it rained hard and they roads were even worse. I didn't even try and get off the main roads Sunday, it rained so hard Saturday night that I didn't want to chance it. My son and I just drove the main roads trying to glass but visibility was terrible and it was still raining. We had a great time though, and I tried to take a pic. of the one buck through my spotting scope but I don't think it worked.


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