Back from Oryx Hunt-No luck



Well I got back from my month long Oryx hunt on a private/public ranch. I think this ranch averaged a dozen oryx over 25,000 acres. I hunted a total of 12 days and I averaged 50-100 miles day between the quad and the truck. I walked many miles tracking the animals. The second to last day I picked up some very fresh tracks and within a mile I was 250 yards from an adult pair and a young one. I didn't even have enough time to load a shell and bring the scope to my eye before they took off. Well I figured they would go a couple miles and settle down........I was wrong........7 miles later I am back at camp and no oryx in sight. I found there tracks crossing a road another 3 miles from camp. All in all it was a good time, but a pretty tough hunt. These animal are a lot smarter than what people led me to believe. Oh well maybe next year. Caleb

u had a month long oryx hunt. why did u stay same place for 12 days? why didn't u go different area that might have oryx? or u know the ranch? or someone told u that ranch have oryx? im not sure how it work but since its off range hunt u can go anywhere?

hope other time u'll connect one..i ll put again since i m born on even year so ll do next year but not sure which month i should put! u live near by where u hunt or?

Well I bought a Landowners tag and I could only hunt that specific ranch. Otherwise I would have been all over. Ya know it was a good time but I think on the next go around I will try for the draw instead of buying a tag. I used to live near T or C, I worked at Beaverhead for a few years. I will tell you what I learned a lot about that animal in the time I was there. Anyway good luck on that draw next year, Where about in NM do you live?
L.O. wonder ur stuck on specific ranch! i live in La Cienega, south of santa fe...

i have been on Rhodes Canyon 3 times..Stallion Range twice so now im hoping to draw off heard offrange is very tuff than inside range so hope to have tag next year! Thanks again!

vinihunt :)

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