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Long Time Member
Way nice really simple and efficient validation.

Lots of great looking mounts and other 'scenery' too! ha

c3-Pete's mount is simply perfect and looks so much bigger in person than in photo's.

bowhunt-Mike's Desert Ram is to die for!
What great size and that character is over whelming.

Many others of course-----'White Lion' that Carl Malone got....

Enjoy and travel safe All,

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 11:12AM (MST)[p]Robb,

You've ruined the movie by telling me how it ends! LOL

Actually, I will be making the trek toward the expo tomorrow and can't wait to see the exact things that you mentioned. My buddy also has a Hualapi Desert ram that I really want to see. Paul Pennie mounted it. His stuff looks really good. He posted a few recent mounts on MM.

Good luck with drawing an expo tag. I hope we BOTH get something cool!

C3 elk did look a lot bigger than it did in pictures. There were some big San Juan bulls there, just when you first walk in.

Sportsman's Warehouse was missing in action. It looks like they have jumped off the SFW bandwagon. Not much to buy this year, even the kings camo was not very cheap. Did get the kids a few camp hoodies for cheap. Couldn't afford any of the expensive hunts, that never changes.

When I saw those Marco Polo Rams-----after I got my heart rate down----I thought of you!

I agree----not much in the good buy catagory----

I really have been holding out for that Big Bull complete back truck or back of shell window color decal offered by King's-----but it is cheaper on the KW website....BUMMER....

Ive been every year, including this one, and seem to see one common theme every time I go. Lots of booths, lots of booth attendants, and no one talking to anyone in the booths. For the middle class guy, there doesnt seem to be much of interest there. Just lots of expensive hunts and expensive toys. What is available to the middle class guy is priced the same as it is everywhere else. I think next year Ill go validate my entries and take off.
Thanks! That is a very nice compliment, I appreciate it. I am sorry I missed you. I would have loved to meet you in person.
Paul is an artist! So glad I went with him as the Taxidermist.

Looking forward to connecting with you tomorrow.

Mike R
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 03:27PM (MST)[p]It is all good....Mike.

I am here doing alot of those-----'Honey Do's' as we have the big Super Bowl party planned here and ya know.....a guy has to pitch in and clean it all nice and 'chiney'.....haha

grizzz-------I hear ya......kinda 'spendy' for like 90% of the attendee's....maybe hit it on Sunday and some of the cost's will drop......??----maybe not with 2 trips (friday and sunday)and the freaking $3.50 a gallon for diesel......

Did anyone check the prices at the "camofire" booth? I already spent too much on tag chances so I didn't even look in there.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 06:17PM (MST)[p]Was it me or were there more long range shooting booths than ever? Can any tom, richard, and harry build a LR gun?

Traditional >>>------->
The best part of the expo was watching my 3 years son riding the mechanical bull over and over!

Traditional >>>------->
Good to hear from you today Robb!

I'd tell you good luck but you always have the luck!:D

Good Luck!
I saw a couple of people today. Predator stopped by, nevercatch came by yesterday and brought me a cool and refreshing beveragf! THANKS!! FHman stopped by and a few others. If anybody else stops by the Vortex booth let me know who you are. It's nice to put a face with a name.

It's always an adventure!!!
>I saw a couple of people
>today. Predator stopped by,
>nevercatch came by yesterday and
>brought me a cool and
>refreshing beveragf! THANKS!! FHman
>stopped by and a few
>others. If anybody else
>stops by the Vortex booth
>let me know who you
>are. It's nice to
>put a face with a
>It's always an adventure!!!

Crap, I didn't know that was you, I talked with Paul for a while today. I'll have to introduce myself tomorrow.


I noticed the increase in long range rifle booths as well.Seems like there were 3 times as many as the year before. Whats funny is they were all spawned from the same group of guys.

"Can any tom, richard, and harry build a LR gun?"

I wouldn't say anyone can build a custom rifle ,but just about anyone can have one built by a reputable gunsmith for a 1/3 of what they were charging at the show.

Was I the only one that noticed that best of the west is using cooper rifles with the huskamaw scopes and selling them for almost 7K, when they can be purchased from cooper for $1800 without the scope.Jeesh, I hope nobody got suckered into that one.
Just came home from the Expo. I spent the last 3 days out in the info booth helping folks fill out their apps for the hunts. I didn't have much time so all I did was walk around check out the taxi work. Some, real great bucks and bulls this year.

Made the long trek down to the Expo. Alot the same....some new things. Long range is the rage and everything seemed expensive. Pete's mount looked great and anything by White Lion has to be awesome....great looking taxi work on that. Purchased some tents from Davis after many years of contemplation. Overall it was worth the drive, but I agree with Griz - we need more for the working man, not The Man!
I enjoyed the Taxidermy at the Expo. The entrance fees were a rip-off. Tried to get some info from two different optic booths. They just stood there and didn't want to talk lol...Guess I'll buy my scope at Camera Land.

One really good Africa booth at the entrance....

Next year I'll just validate....
I spoke with a couple of outiftters from AK last year. After last year they werent coming back since most of the attendees were the middle class and they werent booking enough hunts. They only go to the SCI show now since that is where the money is at.
One more day left. Thanks to those that stopped by. Had a chance to meet onedryboot and Andymansavage yesterday. I must have missed you Woody. Prism brought some Ricola candy because we were getting sore throats from talking so much. I love going to the shows and it's great getting to meet new people.

You are right though, long range shooting is becoming more and more popular all the time. It's fun to see just what the equipment will do. I hope to see a few more of you today.

And pred, I still haven't shaved!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
Even with the scruff, I sure pictured AWB to be about 20 years older. I had fun at the show. Lots to see but I was hoping to see some better prices. I spent about 100 bucks more than I planned, but didn't really come home with anything to show for it. Maybe the kings raffle will pay off? doubt it.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I might run back down this morning to see if any prices have dropped.

Gotta be back by 1pm to get the MOJO going for the Super Bowl party!

I will try and find ya Scruffy Jim! ha

I was wondering about that. I had no intention of buying one, but spent 20 minutes talking to the best of the west guys. The only different it sounded like was that they added or built the rest of the rifle (bolt?), added the scope and dialed everything in for you...

It was way out of my price range, but 1,800 is a lot more tempting. I will have to check out Cooper...

Yeah, too bad that I didn't see you there.
It would have been good to talk to you.

Maybe you can get up here some time for some shed hunting....
Thanks Kawboy I got a great laugh out of that one. I kinda think he's good looking but he thinks he's a whole lot younger than he is. May I ask a question? Just how old do you think he is?


It's always an adventure!!!
She said "Hello Bobcat!" I'm not letting her back on here. She likes it too much. It could get me into a lot of trouble.

It's always an adventure!!!
Bobcat, we need to meet sometime. Jim says that you are the life of the party. He speaks very highly of you.


It's always an adventure!!!
Awlb I was there ,talked with the young kid to your left. Then moved to your right and talked with Paul. You where talking to a guy think about buy some 10 x 42 diamond backs for his wife. Saturday afternoon, I was the old guy with the grey beard how good is your memory ? haha
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-11 AT 10:13PM (MST)[p]I sure missed seeing all my good friend at the expo this year.
My wife had more medical problems, my son and his wife had a new baby, and my other daughter was having problems with her pregnancy, so I was unable to make it up..
Hope to see you all next year!
Holy cow Rick. Talk about a tsunami. I hope Monday brings a bunch of relieve to your family. Is there any thing we can do back here to help out?

Hey antlerrick!

Hope all turns around for the best!

Catch ya next year!
Thanks guys..
I made it as far as Provo with the wife, but in the ambulance with her. Luckily the baby deals were all at the same hospital.
2lumpy, you can help if you need an extra
I don't think the wife wanted me to donate this year...says I already hunt too much...yea right...
Hunt too much? Too much fun? Are those even possible?
Good luck to those who applied!
Sorry to hear about the problems Rick. I hope your wife feels better. If there is something we can do while you are up here in the Valley let me know. We are only 15 minutes from the hospital. If you and your wife get tired of hospital food give me a hollar and I will run in some Wendy's or something!

It's always an adventure!!!
Rick, Keep your spirits up man. Good luck with the Wife and new Babies. You have a lot on your plate. We will be praying and thinking about ya. If ya need anything don't be afraid to ask.

As for the Expo, It was nice to see AWLB and Prism once again! Even early in the show you guy's were one of the few busy booths! I loved the Taxidermy work. Some amazing critters in there!
SS if you draw again this year I WILL FIND YOU!!!


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