Back From Baccarac


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-09 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]Just returned from a 5-day stay at Lake Baccarac Lodge in Mexico. My fishing companion was Dr. John Belden -- our family GP for the past 25 years.

We caught six bass over 10 and a bunch between five and 10 pounds. Largest was 10-14. Our best day was 71 total bass for both of us. The worst was 47, but three of them were over 10 and four were 9+. In total, we caught 19 fish over 8 lbs. as weighed on a digital scale. A ton of them were between 5 and 8, though, and we never caught anything under about 1.5 lbs.

Most importantly, we managed to avoid being arrested, shot or kidnapped on the drive between Phoenix and the lake, which is in Sinaloa.:)

The attached photos are our two best. Mine was 10-14 and the Doc?s was 10-12. Both nailed a 7-in. Yum watermelon lizard fished on a Carolina rig.

I'll post a few more pix after I get them processed.

Yours truly


Doc Belden



How To Hunt Coues Deer
Looks like a good time! At first glance that lake and the background looks like Shasta lake in Nor. California. Boy I had some memories on that lake!
Ooooooh man, one of these i'm gonna go do that!

Toss in a Coues deer hunt along with some hawg fishin and that would be the trip of a lifetime for me!

Tony, Any problems with theft around the lake. It's been a few years now and I will never drive down again after all our camp gear was stolen while out fishing. It wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't stolen all our Beer also. It's a shame too as the fishing really is that good.
Those are some hogs tony. Congratulations!! I haven't been down there in years but I can remember throwing out crank baits and bringing it in slow and catching 2 bass on the same plug. One time we went down there with 4 boats and the other guys were moving all over when about 3 hours had gone by and they noticed we weren't moving. They assumed we had given up. Well both livewells were full and our 48Qt igloo ice chest was full and you should have seen the looks on their faces! The smallest bass we had would easily go over 3 lbs and the biggest was around 8 lbs that morning. We used to have days like you described and some days where those would look slow! If you guys have never experienced fishing for bass in Mexico it's something you have to try! Thanks for posting this up!

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