Back from Antimony!!


Long Time Member
Dudes, your help was right on!! We caught/released tons of 'bows from 14 to 21 inches!! Otter Creek Reservoir was AWESOME!!! About 25 pounds are in the smoker right now.

Slick, the burgers were fabulous!! The two gals, Robyn and Jary, were very easy to look at!! Paul

see we took good care of ya,We didn't send you to any bad spots(gay bars,off-limit fishing holes,Religious places or beer free towns.)

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Easy to look at????? WTH? Maybe easy to talk to but sure as heck not easy to look at. You better get out a little more dude!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Boy Stinky - you sure ain't worried about burning any bridges anywhere are you?? LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Look, their nice gals, skinny and normal. Easy on the eyes in my books is jessica biel or scarlett johanson, not the antimony gals. Besides they probably don't like me anyways. We were pretty good friends and all. Then one day I walked in and they giggled and said hey "are you stinkystomper?" They never would say what they were told but since I make it a point to be a prick on-line I'm sure it wasn't good. LOL so no worries about burnt bridges. My online personality does that for me lol.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Maybe you should hook them up with some bolt-on accessories like ur ol'ladys..

nice post/thanks for sharring
lol, they'd need some bolt on accessories and a complete body kit. GOD I'm mean! no wonder people hate me lol. Don't worry people me and qtpie run each other down like this all the time too. Were hilarious to be around lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
WOW!! Didn't know I'd opened a can of worms. I stick by what I said that they're nice looking gals. Thanks for the help guys. Might be going back with my son in late July. Will Otter Creek Res. still be good? Any other areas? PC
When you go back, check out Fishlake. Even if you don't catch a single fish, the scenery is fantastic and you will always see Elk, Muleys, and maybe an occasional moose.
stinky's theorum of easy on the eyes

Easy on the eyes equals jessica biel
Easy on the eyes equals scarlett johanson,
Easy on the eyes does not equal the antimony gals.
Therefore easy on the eyes does not equal QTPIE?

Is that a bridge I see on fire behind you stinky?
Now he has some talking to do. I hope she fights dirty with that credit card. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
OOOps, I forgot the "proof" line.

QTIP does NOT equal jessica biel
QTIP does NOT equal scarlett johanson,
Therefore, QTIP is not easy one the eyes.
You people are killing me. QTPIE just called me a dumbazz. She said she coulda seen that one coming a mile away.

Ok NV there's mean and then theres just plain "WRONG"!
I'll give you that one. Your one up on me. I will live to fight another day though..............MAYBE!

As a disclaimer I must say I was trying to be modest. What I meant to say was that the antimony gals are "normal", scarlet and jessica are "easy on the eye", and QTPIE is the hottest girl ever!

No really babe, your sooooooo goreous, sexy, good in bed, beautiful, really really sexy, hot, sensual, and the object of every mans fantasy! Did i mention I have never seen a girl even close to as hot as you? Your so hot I could bake cookies on your stomache!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Whatever! The only reason Stinky finds those girls "hot" is because of their $$$ ( not that they are not pretty, but just another girl far as looks go.)....Other than that, they dont have anything i dont have :), so no problem here. Goes back to wanting the cornflakes that are just the same as the cornflakes you already have in your bowl.....

That being said, Wonder if stinky has ever wondered just what makes him "easy on the eyes" to me??? Perhaps $$$ ???? Just saying....hurts doesnt it. Keep the gloves up babe, unless you just like being punched in the nuts. :)

Cornflakes are tough on ya sometimes. LOL
Yep cornflakes are cornflakes even if you put frosting on them underneath they still are are cornflakes.
I still need milk with my cornflakes it soften them up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"....Other than that, they dont have anything i dont have , so no problem here."

Perhaps a little personality as well.

PC.... Otter is good all year even ice fishing is a blast.


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