Baby Boomer Theory


Active Member
I just thought of this and wondered if there is any validity to it and if anyone else has thought about this...

With millions of baby boomers coming of age now and over the next few years, is it safe to say that they will no longer have the desire to hunt, unable to hunt physically, or even die, therofre allowing more tags to be picked up by us "young bucks". If my theory prooves to be correct, there are great days ahead of us boys.

So if my post on AVG Age is accurate, I would say that a good majority of hunters are baby boomers. Not so many young bucks responded to that post, which is surprising because the younger generations are more tech savy and would have a higher percentage of responses because they know how to respond. My theory is prooving true.

Here's to all you old farts retirering from hunting!!!
I think your demographics are probably correct. What you haven't factored in is the greenie factoid. There might just be less hunting available in the future. We've already hunted the good old days. Sucker.
Easy there tayhot,
I may be too old and fat to hunt, but that dosn't mean I can't apply and draw tags.
Wait your turn whippersnapper.
When your too old and fat, you'll finally draw that tag you've been putting in for 30 years for.
>>With millions of baby boomers coming
>of age now and over
>the next few years, is
>it safe to say that
>they will no longer have
>the desire to hunt, unable
>to hunt physically, or even
>die, therofre allowing more tags
>to be picked up by
>us "young bucks".

Young bucks? Age and wisdom my friend, age and wisdom... oh, and throw in treachery too.

>So if my post on AVG
>Age is accurate, I would
>say that a good majority
>of hunters are baby boomers.
>Not so many young bucks
>responded to that post, which
>is surprising because the younger
>generations are more tech savy
>and would have a higher
>percentage of responses because they
>know how to respond. My
>theory is prooving true.

I did not respond to your age thread because I believe age to be relative... relative to the age of your girlfriend/significant other/wife. That being said, I bet I could program your computer to eat your young buck ass alive.

>Here's to all you old farts
>retirering from hunting!!!

If I never kill another thing in my life I will be soaking up a tag until the day I die and you young guys will be asking guys like me, with that wisdom, for advice. Here's to all you young bucks!

Oh yeah, at least us old farts can spell! therofre... prooving... retirering...

>there are great days ahead of us boys.
Not if you can't fill out the applications.

Touche' Bighorn. That was a great and quick response for someone of your age. HAHA. Yes, my spelling was/is lacking but in my defense, I went to public schools.

Just harrasing some of you guys. I mean no disrespct. Just having fun

On a more serious note, does anyone think that my theory has merit? Do you think that the lifestyle and tradition of hunting may be going away more as the older generations go? If there will be less baby boomers hunting, where will we be in 30-50 years when I'm 60?
Remember the scene in the movie, THE QUICK AND THE DEAD? The older man is telling his (very anxious) younger rival....your time will come but not today. I'm not old and I'm not sick and I'm not tired.

I'll be 60 before the end of the season. You've still got at least 10 years before I quit.......and before I quit taking whichever mule deer I choose from off whichever Idaho peak I choose. I had to get llamas to help for those deep back-country units but I've got LOTS of experience, the best equipment, know how to use it, 3 llamas to help and all the time in the world.

What has been said about know how is is the fact that some of us are simply tougher than MANY of "you young bucks"......many.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
For the record... I've noticed on this forum you have to push the envelope to get good responses from multiple people. That's why I was bagging on you old guys. Curious to know your opinions.
tayhot....just because your younger than some of us and that includes me.....I am not giving up that quick. Computer wise, there has and have been so many "young ones" that can't spell, have no idea how to do anything but ask for HELP all the time.

I have helped a lot as well as so many others that have been here and are still here.

I keep sending in my money each year for 4 states and hunts and I don't plan to quit for you or anyone else. I would love to be around when you reach my age but that is not going to happen and see how you will respond to a silly question like this.

Old, Slow and Retired.....but still hunt.

Tayholt; you forgot to figure something else in. That is the booming population of kids us old farts bought into this world.

You have alot more population of hunters to deal with then we did. But do not worry, we left a few forked horns and even three points for you young wippersnappers to shoot at if you draw that tag.

While you were a gleam in your daddy's eye, us babyboomers were knocking off 2-6 deer a year, yes legal. Too bad you will never see those good old days like we did.

I am old. If you get lucky, you will get old also.

You are a rude, disrespectful, arrogant jerk, so I doubt you will survive to my age.

I readily admit that the hi tech world has passed me by.....but I doubt I am missing much. I am "old school", as they say. You know, back when school actually taught you something!

I have something that all the Tech in the world can't replace.


I have killed more chit than you will ever have the opportunity to accomplish.

I have camped in places that have housing developments on them now. I hunted in the days when farmers and ranchers were happy to let you hunt their land......and camp on it, as well.

I have seen 300 hundred legal bucks, in a single herd of migrating deer. 60,000 waterfowl on a single lake.

We had more animals, longer seasons, less "Nature Fakers" no PETA, Sierra Club, Friends of Animals, Gay, liberal, Democratic, tree huggers of any sort.....all proposing a bunch of laws, rules and restrictions.

My money says, you won't even be able to own a gun when you are my age, much less, kill a wild animal. I would like to be wrong about that, but I doubt I will.

By the way, they will bury me with a deer tag in my pocket and I simply am NEVER going to quit "hunting" at whatever level, just so you younger punks can have more opportunity.

I paid my dues, pay yours.

If I was your Grandpa, I'd kick you square in the nuts and leave my guns to your ugliest sister!
Damn you Nickman, I'm laughting so hard I almost fell out of my chair. You should be his grandpa so he would get his come uppance behind the barn.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-10 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]>Touche' Bighorn. That was a great
>and quick response for someone
>of your age. HAHA. Yes,
>my spelling was/is lacking but
>in my defense, I went
>to public schools.
>Just harrasing some of you guys.
>I mean no disrespct. Just
>having fun
>On a more serious note, does
>anyone think that my theory
>has merit? Do you think
>that the lifestyle and tradition
>of hunting may be going
>away more as the older
>generations go? If there will
>be less baby boomers hunting,
>where will we be in
>30-50 years when I'm 60?
Hey Tayhot,

When I was in my 20's I was in really good shape, doubt if you oould stay up with me on the mountain. But being young and in shape didn't make me a good hunter. As I have aged and not as fast up the hill as I once was, guess what....I have become a better hunter and see many more animals. I still make it up the mountain, just takes longer. So with my advanced age I am very happy that I will be putting in for 7 states every year for years to come. As long as I can walk, I will hunt. I will see you at the top of the mountain.
Ok guys, calm down. Only trying to have some fun. I didnt mean to disrespect any of you, however I can understand how you took something said on an internet forum so seriously. Not trying to make enemies, trying to get some feed back from y'all about this.

Perhaps I should also say that I have the upmost repsect for my elders, not just the one in my family, but across the board. If my grandad was alive to "kick me in the nuts" I would love to have him around for that and to talk with him again. His genereation of WWII vets was/is the greatest generation to have lived. Please dont take my words as serious and as the true character on how I live my life.

So the basis of my question is based on this. My grandad and his brothers all hunted. They hunted for food and to provide for themselves and the widows that lived in that small ranching town in AZ. My dad and his brother did the same. Where the tables turn is with my generation. My 3 brothers and I all grew up hunting with my dad. Now that we are older (oldest brother is 32, 31, I'm 29, and youngest is 27)I am the only one that still hunts. So out of 4 boys in my family only 25% are hunting. I have three sons. One of which is old enough to hunt with me. I will take the others when they become of age (1st grade or 8 yrs old, whichever comes first). Who knows how many of my kids will hunt when they are older (hope they all do!).

With so many kids too caught up in the texting and wearing skinny pants these days, who knows what the future holds. Has anyone else experienced this situation in their family?
Oh damn Tayhot, you have single handedly pissed off every blue-hair on here, and really fired up Nickman! Eel will be next to rip your arse. You'd be better off to log off and sign up under a new name. Best of luck to you in the future.
I don't think in my case it has much merit. For an example: My dad was the only one of four boys that hunted he is now 85. He passed that on to my brother 60 and myself 55 and we both still hunt all the time and will I hope until we die. My Wife never hunted but she is a avid hunter now. My brother passed it on to his son and I passed the tradition on to my five children ranging in age from 25 to 34. All of them are hunters. Four of them are married, two married spouses that already hunted and one married a non hunter that is now a avid hunter. We are working on the fourth one.
That is a large increase over the three generations. We have one grandchild that hunts and more that are also getting to the hunting age. So the way I see it what started as one person hunting in a family has turned into 12 hunters with many more to follow. So by the time the three of us that are baby boomers quit hunting for whatever reason I am guessing we will have added somewhere between 24 to 30 more hunters that will be putting in for those tags.

Good luck on the draws in the future.
Maybe I should erase the post and start over. They are fired up. This thread has gone a direction I never thought it would. Oh well, I can always ask for forgivness right? Maybe not.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-10 AT 01:42PM (MST)[p]Tayhot;

If you read between the lines that us old farts wrote, you will see that you did not offend us and we were just giving you "your comeuppance" that we dish out to any young whippersnapper that dares to remind us of our age.

Have many a good hunt and remember to take those kids hunting to preserve our sport.

tayhot, the first thing for you to do is to look up the word sarcasm in the dictionary. It seems to be wasted on MM sometimes. I live for sarcasm. Secondly, I am not old. Ask my younger wife. Hell, ask my even younger girlfriend. ;-) (insert sarcasm here) If it matters to anyone I am 53. It doesn't matter to me. I have a minimum of grey hair (they call it distinguished) and I have damn near all of it.

To seriously answer your question (and I am seldom serious on here), I think your chances of drawing tags will continue to decline. The popularity and acceptance of the sport will continue to decline. It is unfortunate but I believe it is true. I'm damn glad your Dad gave you the desire to hunt. And I'm damn glad you are passing it along. I have three kids that were exposed to hunting from birth. Two of the three still hunt, one a lot. The third is into raising babies and married a nice young man who was not exposed to hunting and therefore does not do it. He does not dislike it, it's just not his game. I have a beautiful grand daughter who I will hopefully get to take camping and hunting. She is only nine months old and already wears camo for Grampa. I just hope by the time she is old enough there is still an opportunity for the average person to enjoy hunting.

tayhot........don't worry. It's just the Internet!

You know, that hi tech chit you were talking about. Nobody pays any real attention to what goes on on here anyway.

You give me chit, I give you chit.....we laugh.

You just need to learn to temper your comments to us old guys....and take the heat when you screw up!

We would rather be as healthy as you again, but we ain't. In a few short years, you will see how it feels.....and you won't like it either.

So the next time I, or someone my age says,

"Why, when I was young, I killed 2 deer and a griz that tried to steal the guts. Went to a cathouse and had wild sex with 3 hookers. Fixed a broken gate, shooed 2 horses, chopped half a cord of firewood and then walked to school, 6 miles, uphill both ways. 6th grade was hard back in those days!"

You just need to laugh with everyone else and let it ride. Your turn will come.
The older Gents ribbong on tayhot is great. I just wish Eel, was up from his 2PM nap to add to the beating.
tayhot, I read your post yesterday. Yesterday I turned 62. I took it as probably humerous, but wasn't sure. I won't chew you out, as my friends already did a pretty good job of it.

You're right, it won't be long until we're gone (one way or another).

It's going to be your job to carry on. I hope we passed on the passion we once had.

I used to lie awake all night waiting for the opportunity to row 5 miles against the tide, in the dark, for a chance at a Mallard. I used to stand out in the freezing rain up to my waist making a thousand casts hoping for that one strike from a chrome bright winter run steelhead. I used to backpack 15 miles for a chance to catch native rainbow trout. I used to pass up good bucks because it was too early in the season and I just didn't want to go back to civilization quite yet.

And I'll tell you something else. I wouldn't trade those feelings, and those desires, and those memories for any amount of money.

tayhot, if you can tell me that you feel the same way that I did, then you can have my tag with my blessing. Well, not my tag this year, of course.:)

I can take the heat. Where is all the young guys to bail me out .... chirp...chirp. I can take one or two old guys on but the whole geriatric ward is too overwhelming for one guy
>I can take the heat. Where
>is all the young guys
>to bail me out ....
>chirp...chirp. I can take one
>or two old guys on
>but the whole geriatric ward
>is too overwhelming for one

tayhot, it's alot like a nursing home, you just be quit, and let them old guys "think" there doing it as good as they ever did.

why is it everytime i go hunting with some old fart, who used to be able to walk my azz into the ground, i feel guilty and ask them if i can carry their pack/ gun?

they'll hunt till they die, but wildlife agencies across the nation are taking there lack off sucsess into calculations for tag numbers. so in a sence: they will start offering more tags, because all the old guys aren't killing anything anyways....

just kidding, this post is hillarious! i bout' fell outta my chair reading nickmans post!

fact is your right. i'd give up my left nut to get to hunt "in the good ol' days"

fact is , i'd rather share a campfire withan "old fart" just to sit back, be quit, and enjoy all those old stories.

quite frankly, i'll gladly miss out on a tag draw so some of the guys like my dad, grandpa, father-in-law etc... can enjoy a few more trips. good for you guys keeping after it. it doesn't matter if you've "lost a step", you just hunt a little different. i now this 80 yr old guy who goes every day of bow season, hikes 500 yrds to his treestand and sits all day. he killes something( a cow, buck or bull) evry 2 yrs or so. i can only hope i have that in me whaen i'm that old!
I think the theory has merit. However, Baby Boomers will be old fat and sassy sucking up tags and drawing a retirement check. You "cowboys" will be working till the day you die because the "Baby Boomer" generation spent all the money for generations to come. Unfortunate, but that is the hard facts. You had better get busy and become wealthy because that is the only way you will be getting tags. And under the current plan you only stand to draw one or two in your life time anyway. Sooo... keep counting the years and you will soon be an old fat bastage too. For the record hunting in my family will pretty much end with my generation. The youngsters don't seem to much care. That's not really good for the sport as whole. When we put a price on the head of a game animal we guaranteed the eventual end of the activity. Greed will win out. It's human nature. If you're young enough you will likely live to see the end as we know it. Sad indeed!
God bless you Steve, I have done what you did and it feels my heart with joy. I'm 46 and trying to learn how to type with my new optics, GLASS, for my eyes. Jim
Chit! chit! Chit! eel is younger then me, just ruined my day and made me feel old.


P.S. No bragging eel, you only got me by one year.
Robert.....don't believe Eel he forgets where he is at times just like his birthday.

>fact is , i'd rather share
>a campfire withan "old fart"
>just to sit back, be
>quit, and enjoy all those
>old stories.

Man thats the stuff right there. A few years ago we shared a camp in Colorado with some guys from the midwest somewhere. There was a guy in his mid 70's with them and it was his 50th consecutive year to hunt Colorado. The stories that this guy had you could write a book with. That may not be much of an accomplishment for alot of people that live there, but for someone like myself who has to travel 1500 miles one way thats a trophy in itself. Sometimes its not about what tag you draw or what you kill, sometimes its just about the friends you have with you, the friends you meet while you are there, and the sure beauty of God's creation.
And as far as old people, I am 34 and pretty sure that most of you would run past me on the mountain being that i'm a flatlander. The tags, well i hope that when i do become an old timer that we will still have the previlage of owning a gun and to hunt, especially for my children and the children they will have by then.
Punk azz kids... :) I told the wife yesterday I hope to die gutting a elk, even if it is from my walker.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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