B. Hussein Obama - This country's safety is #1

Damn, what's he thinking we only have enough nukes to kill every living thing on earth 10 times over and my safety thresh hold is nothing less than 13 times. oversight to see if what the pentagon is buying works and is worth the money? how do you double the debt again with that kind of nonsense? I even heard he would be willing to talk to leaders we're at or near war with! give me a break, you can't do that they might be smarter than you are!

This guy is a lose cannon I tell you.
If only he would throw in cutting off farm subsidies, I may have to vote for this white-flag waving POS.
Dude as usual you show your ignorance.
New Nukes are needed to replace the old. It is a never ending cycle. Nuke bombs do not last forever. They must be replaced to keep current levels. We are not in a build up mode and have not been in a while. Secondly Obama shows his ignorance by taking us off our hair trigger allert. That is just plain stupid.
If the numbnut really wants to save America money he would cut public handouts and wealth redistrabution and deregulise healthcare. Obama is a chump in an empty suit.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-08 AT 03:46PM (MST)[p]I like the unproven missile defense systems comment. The system works, they've hit the bullet with the bullet quiet a few times now along with that satellite moving at 17,000 miles and hour a couple weeks ago. Reagans SDI works and your an idiot if you think it doesn't.

As far as the regular military goes, did you know that Canada is flying the patrols for us in Alaska with their F18s they bought from us cause our f15's are basically grounded. Clinton left our military at WW2 levels and the dems won't give Bush the money to rebuild it. I think he wanted 300 some odd F22's and they gave him 189. Fact is we need a build up - modernization, China and the Russians are building as fast as they can and common sense says we should maintain parity. Its worked since WW2 and it will continue to work as long as we practice diplomacy from a position of strength.

my .02
You have got to be kidding me, Clinton is out of office for over 7 years and Bush had full republican control of congress for 6 years, doubled the debt, started elective wars and yet the state of our military is Clinton's fault? you guys are on crack.

Obama is more than capible of making the right decision and remember, if nothing is Bush's fault because he doesn't have much control Obama isn't going to have much control either. You've told me enough times that hob goblins are the ones who run the country not the president I'm starting to beleive it. nothing to worry about Obama will just be the president , big deal.
Yea Dude lets make our military smaller. Genius!

China speeds pace of military buildup

By Bill Gertz
March 3, 2008

China is speeding up its military buildup and developing high-technology forces for waging wars beyond Taiwan, according to the Pentagon's annual report on Chinese military power.

"The pace and scope of China's military transformation have increased in recent years, fueled by acquisition of advanced foreign weapons, continued high rates of investment in its domestic defense and science and technology industries, and far-reaching organizational and doctrinal reforms of the armed forces," the report states.

The report also warned that China's expanding military forces "are changing East Asian military balances; improvements in China's strategic capabilities have implications beyond the Asia-Pacific region."

The new weapons include road-mobile long-range nuclear missiles.

The report to Congress is required under 1999 legislation and is the only U.S. government publication providing a close look at China's military strategy, and force structure and recent advances in technology.

The report stated that excessive secrecy by China about its motivation and decision making and key weapons systems are prompting fears over the threat posed by the buildup.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
And yes you can blame it on Clinton. First we had the Clinton recession that Bush inherited and then 9/11. Now he could have ran the deficits into the stratosphere with an arms build up but he practiced restraint. So if Clinton hadn't let the military go downhill so far the situation today would look much different.

lets not forget Russias build up since they are awash in oil money. And the thing is, China and Russia are allies, two countries engaged in an arms build up. What do we have for allies? A socialist Europe that can't defend themselves, and thank fully Canada and Japan is beginning to build to help offset China. But still, basically we are on our own.
Just so you know Bush had been president 8 months before 9/11 happened.

China and Russia are building a military and they're not our friends, they're even blocking new UN resolutions against Iran so guess where that's going. Obama hasn't said anything about slashing our military, he's going to get a screwed up mess behind Bush and it will take his first term just to get things back were they were when Clinton left office. with the power and the money Bush spent why isn't our military built up to the point you think it should be today? don't tell me it's Clinton's fault make it real.

You guys aren't even sure what you're whining about, we get it you don't like Obama but come up with valid reasons.
Dude how can you build up a military when the Dems wont even fund the troops in battle?

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
What part of full control from Jan. 2000- Jan.2007 don't you get? Bush had a blank check with the blessing of his chronies and he spent it like it was on fire, even since the dems regained the house they haven't withheld funding. try again.
Unbelievable! The arguement as I understand it is that Bush didn't put us far enough in debt with additional military spending. Is it just me or is this just stupid? Be Afraid Be very Afraid.

Why because you and all of your children owe more than $30,000 each to the government to cover the debt. You cannot spend forever even if you are from TEXASS.
So the Bush bunnies have nearly doubled the debt, had 8 years to build the military up to what they think it should be and still manage to blame Clinton. it might be worth letting gramps get elected just so we could see if after 12 years and a triple, or quadruple debt if the dems would still be at fault for all their woes. funny stuff.
Hey dude,just how were things when Clinton left office?If memory serves me right the .com bubble was about to burst and so was Hillary over a hard-on,cigar and a blue dress.In regards to 911,the spineless ##### should have done something when they tried to blow up the trade center the first time besides getting another hummer from Monica.You democrats sure have short memories.
Make our military smaller?

We can barely muster enough troops to fight in little ol'Iraq.

Does anyone trust Russia to hold elections? Then why would we trust them to remove their A Bombs? What idiot would actually suggest the police in this country tell the bad guys from now on that "if you put away your gun I'll put away mine and we can both just walk away happy." Give me a break! I wish the bombs had never been invented but that is just a wish. The bombs are here. Fight fire with fire and you have less fire.

Reduce the size of the military? Get REAL.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
8 years and a doubled debt isn't enough time or enough money to build up the military? what part of that question is lost on some of you guys?

If in 6 years post 9/11 Bush can't get the guy at the top why should Clinton be expected to have gotten him pre 9/11 BEFORE we had the authority to go after him? Bush has 90% of the world behind him and has failed. I suppose Clinton could have picked a random middle east country like iraq and attacked it like Bush did but a lot of good that would have done huh.

The way you guys pass the buck back 8 years to Clinton on everything from 9/11 to the common cold is a riot. I can always get a laugh around here.
The debt because of a booming economy is only 2.5% of the GNP. During Clintons day it ran 2.7%. Clinton created a so called surplus by using fuzzy math and projecting a booming economy for after he left office, he did not forsee the 2000 thru 2002 recession.

Its all a freaking game any ways! All of it! right against left, light against dark, good against evil, socialists against freedom lovers, dems against repubs...its nothing but a polarity game that is used against us. Divide and Conquer!!! Plain and simple! And it works.

We the people have our heads so far up you know where that we can't get together and get rid of these bums! And you know what, you might as well just kick back and watch the GAME being played through to the end cause none of us are going to change the damn thing any ways. The end is already written because time is totally irrelevant and it all occurs at once. There is no beginning and no end, except....to your body, which is just a temporary vessel any way, there a dime a dozen.

Learn to observe and watch the two sides manipulate and try to win, learn from it. Realize that one cannot survive without the other. But when you step back and don't take sides and detach yourself from the Game.....YOU WIN!!
The debt is just that, a debt, look at the total dollar figure. the trade defecit is another matter and that's bad as well.

Any boom there was in the economy is boomed out, Clinton had the dot com and Bush has the morgage debacle.

I agree that one side can't survive without the other and niether side is right more than 50% of the time. but without them pushing back and forth what you have is a dictatorship or military government of some kind where there is no debate. I prefer the system we have flaws and all, it's not perfect but it works.
I will have to agree with ya this time dude,but 50% maybe a little too generous. All these politicians,left or right,are self serving A-holes!They don't give a rip about the people just the power.If i had their money,I would hunt 6 months out of the year and scout the other 6. Anyone who supports any of them are A-HOLES themselves.

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